Re: [Fwd: linearGradient:xlink:href #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED?]

Actually, if you look again at the March 3 spec, the %xlinkRefAttrs entity
does NOT define an 'href' attribute -- it defines everything in XLink
except 'href'. Each individual element that has an 'href' defines that
attribute itself outside of the entity reference for the reason Steve
mentions below, which is that sometimes the 'href' it is #IMPLIED and
sometimes it is #REQUIRED.

The reason for the confusion is that the documentation at
( looks as if the 'href'
is part of the entity definition, but if you look again, you'll see that
the ">" that ends the entity is above the line that defines the 'href'.

Obviously, this documentation approach is confusing. I'll see what I can do
to make it less confusing.

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG Editor
Adobe Systems Incorporated

At 12:25 PM 5/18/00 +0200, you wrote:
>ouch. I guess the earlier declaration will win, so thse isn't actually a
>validation problem, but this should be corrected.
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>Subject: linearGradient:xlink:href #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED?
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>According to the WD 2000/03/03, section 13.2.2, the linearGradient element
>has as attribute
>		xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED
>however, linearGradient also contains, through the %xlinkRefAttrs entity,
>an attribute
>		xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED
>Maybe I don't understand these definitions properly, but how can an
>element have two attributes of the same name, one of which is #REQUIRED,
>the other #IMPLIED?

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2000 20:26:45 UTC