Monday (02-dec) QAWG telecon agenda (draft)
[www-qa-wg] <none>
Conformance Section in 2002
Spec GL 1.2 Provide User Scenarios
volunteer needed
AC Meeting minutes
[Draft] Minutes of the QA WG Telecon 2002-11-25
December QAWG Schedule
Monday (25-nov) QAWG telecon agenda
completed action items
[DRAFT] Minutes QAWG Teleconference, 18-11-2002
Draft Process Outline items for 25 Nov
Monday (25-nov) QAWG telecon agenda (draft)
OpsGL items for 11/25
some QA discussion at AC meeting
new draft Process Document Outline
Karl's AC talk -- correction
Re: Review of XSLT 1.0 against SpecGL
Karl's AC talk
proposed schedule/roadmap change
Monday (18 nov) QAWG telecon agenda
action items
Monday (18 nov) QAWG telecon agenda (draft)
- Re: Monday (18 nov) QAWG telecon agenda (draft)
- Regrets Re: Monday (18 nov) QAWG telecon
- Re: Monday (18 nov) QAWG telecon agenda (draft) [regrets]
OpsGL discussion topics for 11/18
Final Minutes - QAWG Telcon 10-28-02
new issues list posted
OpsGL for 11/18 telecon
draft Process document Outline
action items done
new review-due dates
lost SpecGL requirement(s)?
CK13.2 priority wrong
skeletons updated, deadlines reconsidered
published, skeletons pending
About new Process Document and Errata
proposed Test Materials license
Fwd: [Closed] Re: Request to publish 3 QA WG Working Drafts
Status of the TR version of Ops ExTechs
FINAL minutes QAWG Teleconference, 4-11-2002
monday telecon cancelled
more regrets?
some minutes for october telcons not announced to www-qa
- Re: some minutes for october telcons not announced to www-qa
Re: [Lofton's] TOC drafting assignment.
new text for Checkpoints 12.1 and 12.2
AI completions & other changes
Regrets from NIST for 11-11 Telcon
Draft Minutes QAWG telcon 4 Nov 2002
my TOC drafting assignment.
New rationale for checkpoint 3.3
formal description; ckpt. 1.4
Re^2: The continuing saga of Spec Guideline 6
suggested reword of CP 7.2
Regrets for 2002-11-04
Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda -- corrected link
Re: SpecGL problems/issues to be addressed
Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda
candidate OpsGL publication version
SpecGL Scope definition: Complete set of Use Cases?
Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda (corrected draft)
- Re: Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda (corrected draft)
- RE: Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda (corrected draft)
- RE: Monday (4-nov) QAWG telecon agenda (corrected draft)