Re: December telecons

At 9:14 -0700 2002-11-22, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>all QAWG participants --
>Please reply, about your late-December plans.
>We might be able to minimize or eliminate this from Monday agenda...
>At 04:31 PM 11/21/02 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>2.) any logistical topics?  [Tentative...may eliminate this...]
>>         - next telecons (12/02, /09, /16, /23, /30)
>>         - next f2f?  (attendance poll)
>I'm interested to know whether we will have 5 useful telecons after 
>Monday (or 4 (or 3)).
>1.) who would NOT attend the 12/30 telecon, if one were held?

I'm on holidays

>2.) who will NOT attend the 12/23 telecon?

I'm on on holidays
PS: My holidays will be from 13th of December 2002 to 3rd of January 2003.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

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Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 10:47:10 UTC