w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from October to December 2009 by subject

508 On Electronic Documents

[Thread CLOSED] Re: Succession Criteria 2.3.1

AA Compliance Job

Accessible PDF Accessibility/Repair Tools

Advice on AA conformation

Apple publishes accessible iTunes U Guidelines (by NCAM)

ARIA Project

Assistant Director & Coordinator of Assistive Technology position

autocomplete dropdown

braille css support

brief questionnaire

Call for Papers: Round Table conference 2010, May 23-25, Auckland, New Zealand

Call for Review: ATAG 2.0 Working Draft updated

Call for Review: Dutch WCAG 2.0 Candidate Authorized Translation

Call for Review: EARL 1.0 Last Call Working Draft

Call for Review: Portuguese

Call for Review: Spanish WCAG 2.0 Candidate Authorized Translation

Call for Review: WAI-ARIA Updated Working Drafts

Call for Review: WAI-ARIA Updated Working Drafts [link correction]

CF workshop proposals

CF Workshop Proposals - NDT 2010


CFP: ICIIC 2010 (Technically co-sponsored by IEEE CIS)

CFP: Intelligent Computing ICIIC 2010 (co-sponsored by IEEE CIS)

CFP: NDT 2010


Clarification of duration of flashing or flickering (Success Criteria 2.3.1)

Define "Complex Data Table"

email clients and accessibility [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Extra HTML attributes

GIF FLICKER RATE question (WCAG 1.0)

headings versus section headings

How competent must people be to use the Web?

Involve Users in Your Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility

More than one h1 tag

new articles on www.atechnews.com

New: Perspectives on Accessibility

Order of items on form

Portuguese Translations (was Re: Call for Review: Portuguese)

Redesign Styles Hypocritical

Reminder: EARL review deadline 30 November

RGAA (was RE: @summary in the wild)

Several questions about ARIA status

Share Resources Supporting Web Accessibility Business Case

Succession Criteria 2.3.1

SV: How competent must people be to use the Web?

Timed Response

Top posting (and full quoting) (was Re: New: Perspectives on Accessibility)

unicorn: a new validator from w3c

Using numbered list element for navigation bars

voice activation

W3C Shares Multimedia Accessibility FAQ

W4A 2010 - First Call for Papers

WCAG 2.0 German Authorized Translation Published

WCAG 2.0 Italian Authorized Translation Published

Yesterday explained - THE FINAL EMAIL

Last message date: Tuesday, 22 December 2009 07:45:52 UTC