autocomplete dropdown

Dear all,

How does one make an accessible autocomplete dropdown: an edit box that
proposes suggestions as you type. The typical example and the most
accessible one that I know is what google uses. after typing a few letters
one can press down arrow to scroll through the suggestions. Using JAWS these 
are spoken and readable on a braille display.

Is this JQuery example considered accessible:

Using JAWS9 and IE7 or Firefox3.5 I don'§ find it very easy to use. The 
options are kind of spoken but not displayed in braille. It definitely does 
not work as smooth as google suggest.

What do you recommend as an accessible implementation of an autocomplete 

Bart Simons
AnySurfer - Quality mark for accessible websites in Belgium

Received on Friday, 23 October 2009 14:30:45 UTC