Travel Agent Use Case Sample
Slides for transaction proposal Thursday morning
Requirements and critical success factors
Correction: Reissue of Proposal on wsdl 1.1 and wsdl 2.0 MEPs
Different composition(or invocation) order may result an undesirable Feature Interaction problem in Web service
- RE: Different composition(or invocation) order may result an undesirable Feature Interaction problem in Web service
optional messages and indeterminate sequences of messages
Reissue of Proposal on wsdl 1.1 and wsdl 2.0 MEPs
Steve's comments on WS-CDL 22nd Sept Draft
Coordination and choreography
sep 22 editor's copy
Revised version of the language specification
CDL collision resolution
For discussion on tonight's agenda (WSDL and Interacts)
granularity/definition of a "service"
Re: Import/Include - a proposal
Issue 868 -WSCDL-- (assign with many copy elements within it)
Issue ? -WSCDL-- (marking silent actions and absence of work)
Issue ? -WSCDL-- (ws-cdl function extensions additions related to channels)
Issue ? -WSCDL-- (ws-cdl function extensions changes related to time)
Issue ? (catch all does not exist for an exception) - Proposal for discussion
Issue 742 - Proposal for discussion
Issue 783 - Proposal for discussion
Simple suggestions for issues, issues proposals format
Reissue of Proposal on BP 1.1
FW: Proposal on WSDL 1.1 vs WSDL 2.0 MEPs
Composition example
Proposal on BP 1.1 (along with SSBP 1.0 and AP 1.0)
- FW: Proposal on BP 1.1 (along with SSBP 1.0 and AP 1.0)
- FW: Proposal on BP 1.1 (along with SSBP 1.0 and AP 1.0)