Issue ? -WSCDL-- (marking silent actions and absence of work)

There was an actionItem for the editors to clarify the text for silect actions. While doing this editorial work I realized
that there is no mechanism to define the absence of any work (nop) in CDL.

Greg can you give a number to this issue?

For resolving this issue ? (location ?), including my clarification text for the silent action, here is my proposal:

Existing Section (within re-rewritten clarified text): Marking Silent Actions
Silent actions are explicit designators used for marking the points where party specific operations with non-observable operational details MUST be performed.
For example, the mechanism for checking the inventory of a warehouse should not be observable to other parties but the fact that the inventory level does influence the global observable behavior with a buyer party needs to be specified in the contract.

The syntax of the silent action construct is:

<silentAction role="qname? />

The optional attribute role is used to specify the party at which the silent action will be performed. If a silent action is defined without a Role, it is implied that the action is performed at all the Roles that are part of the Relationships of the Choreography.

New Section added: Marking the Absence of Actions
No actions are explicit designators used for marking the points where a party does not perform any action.

The syntax of the no action construct is:

<noAction role="qname? />

The optional attribute role is used to specify the party at which no action will be performed. If a noAction is defined without a Role, it is implied that no action will be performed at any of the Roles that are part of the Relationships of the Choreography.


Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2004 16:24:55 UTC