Re: Import/Include - a proposal

>Kavantzas: This is the current edited text from Greg based on Yves instructions. Are you confortable with it?
> Including Choreographies
>Choreographies or fragments of Choreographies can be reused in any Choreography definition by using XInclude [ref to Xinclude 1.0].
>This mechanism allow the merge of several XML infosets into one that
>becomes the Choreography definition.
>A CDL processor MUST resolve all XInclude declaration in the Choreography
>definition before doing any CDL-related processing.
><choreography name="newChoreo" root="true">
>   <variable name="newVariable" informationType="someType"
>             role="randomRome"/>
>   <xi:include href="genericVariableDefinitions.xml" />
>   <xi:include href="otherChoreography.xml"
>               xpointer="xpointer(//choreography/variable[1]) />
mm1: Nick, thanks for your efforts. This does answer most of the 
questions raised for a syntactic approach to include. During the 
discussions on the related issues, there were three specific points 
related to Xinclude that may be important as implementer’s notes:

    * The Xinclude only addresses syntactic inclusion.
    * The namespace of the included item is retained. That could result
      in a schema error recognized during CDL validation.
    * Xinclude requires the making the baseURI property required instead
      of optional.


Received on Thursday, 16 September 2004 18:21:18 UTC