from July 2023 by subject

[w3c/editing] Define behavior of pressing enter in inline editing host (Issue #430)

[w3c/gamepad] Enhance Gamepad interface description for Touch (PR #168)

[w3c/gamepad] Request: support for analog keyboards (Issue #187)

[w3c/gamepad] Support for analog keyboards (Issue #187)

[w3c/gamepad] Update getGamepads to include steps for copying gamepads (PR #172)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Add IDBKeyRange.forPrefix(key) (#47)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Batch get/getAll (Issue #376)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Disambiguate "running" for transactions (PR #409)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Editorial: Move Ali to Former Editor, note affiliation (PR #407)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Future: Support Tuples as compound keys (Issue #390)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Transaction lifetime verbiage, "running" (Issue #408)

[w3c/manifest] "internationalization" section (Issue #1090)

[w3c/manifest] Ability to override the back button behavior (Issue #1064)

[w3c/manifest] badge purpose "monochrome" is only supported by Firefox (#905)

[w3c/manifest] Call of topics for TPAC (Issue #1093)

[w3c/manifest] Control the default behavior at the moment of completion of the installation (#995)

[w3c/manifest] Example suggests that `icons` `sizes` mean a minimum size, but normative text doesn't support that (#925)

[w3c/manifest] fetched icons fail in chrome when same-origin policy is present (Issue #1065)

[w3c/manifest] Icon purpose "any" is confusing (Issue #1094)

[w3c/manifest] No language/direction metadata for shortcuts? (Issue #1078)

[w3c/manifest] Note below "steps for determining the web app's chosen display mode" refers to non-existent assertion (Issue #1055)

[w3c/manifest] related_applications needs more settings (Issue #1047)

[w3c/manifest] ReSpec errors for navigate and origin references (Issue #1061)

[w3c/manifest] should we standardize navigator.standalone ? (Issue #1092)

[w3c/manifest] Use of `CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId` (Issue #1084)

[w3c/permissions] Add another permission state "always ask" (from one-time grants)? (Issue #414)

[w3c/permissions] Add another permission state "always-ask" (from one-time grants)? (Issue #414)

[w3c/selection-api] Make setBaseAndExtent and other setter methods on Selection work with shadow DOM (#99)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Add a static routing API support. (PR #1686)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Assets caching in browsers behaves differently between localhost and deployment (Issue #1689)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] How long can the service worker stay awake during an active fetch (#1182)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] If an expection is thrown in the activate phase, the service worker should be terminated (Issue #1688)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Preventing server-forced updates (#822)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Should Cache#addAll reject with AbortSignal's reason if the signal is already aborted? (Issue #1684)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Unregister a service worker when another tab is controlled by it can "resurrect" it (Chrome) (Issue #1687)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Wanna know what kind of script i'm dealing with (Issue #1685)

[w3c/uievents-key] Mac keyboards other than US are unrepresented in the spec (Issue #66)

[w3c/uievents-key] The last table declares `MediaNextTrack` and `MediaPreviousTrack`, but their current name should be `MediaTrackNext` and `MediaTrackPrevious` (Issue #65)

[w3c/uievents] `beforeinput` and `compositionupdate` event order (Issue #354)

[w3c/uievents] Clarify `keypress` event handling for keys that map to non-BMP Unicode symbols (Issue #346)

[w3c/uievents] Dead key symbols not included in KeyboardEvent (Issue #343)

[w3c/uievents] Explain that mousedown focuses form controls (#81)

[w3c/uievents] Feature request: readystatechange on download links (Issue #355)

[w3c/uievents] Review whether `key`, `code` etc should be present in legacy `keypress` events (Issue #349)

[w3c/uievents] Specify the `textInput` event (Issue #353)

[w3c/uievents] Specify wheel event groups (PR #344)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] [FYI] Clear Client Hints via Clear-Site-Data header (Issue #871)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] API for capturing all screens (Issue #856)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Captured Mouse Events (Issue #872)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] content-visibility: auto forces contain-intrinsic-size: auto (Issue #876)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Cross-document View Transitions API (Issue #851)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Detect UA Transitions on Same-Document Navigations (Issue #834)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Disabling UA transitions for same-document navigations (Issue #835)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] early design review: bfcache/prerendering eviction APIs (Issue #786)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early Design Review: Pending Beacon API (Issue #776)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] early design review: Permissions-Policy: unload (Issue #738)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review: Subresource loading with Web Bundles (#616)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Eligibility for autofill (Issue #831)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Extending the PointerEvent with Unique DeviceId Attribute (Issue #880)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Fullscreen Popup Windows (Issue #840)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] HTTPS Upgrades (Issue #853)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Isolated Web Apps (Issue #842)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Moving local files with the File System Access API (Issue #805)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] navigateEvent.sourceElement (Issue #867)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] oi (Issue #870)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Third Edition. (Issue #873)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] requestStorageAccessFor (Issue #808)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Shared Storage API (Issue #747)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Soft Navigations (Issue #879)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification review for CSS Anchor Positioning (Issue #848)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Specification review for fenced frames (Issue #838)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Sync Methods for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle in File System Access API (Issue #772)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] systemEntropy addition to PerformanceNavigationTiming (Issue #878)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Tabbed web apps (Issue #841)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Tag review for Compression Dictionary Transport (Issue #877)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] TAG review for web app `scope_extensions` (Issue #875)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] text-wrap: pretty (Issue #864)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Verifiable Credential Status List 2021 (Issue #874)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] VISS (Vehicle Information Service Specification) 2 Core and VISS 2 Transport (Issue #768)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebDriver BiDi (Issue #869)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC Codec selection API (Issue #836)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC-SVC (Scalable Video Coding) (Issue #837)

[whatwg/dom] Allow postMessage-ing AbortSignal (#948)

[whatwg/dom] Allow subclassing of AbortController / AbortSignal (Issue #1162)

[whatwg/dom] another version of `Element.prototype.contains` that considers slotted elements as children (Issue #1214)

[whatwg/dom] Consider specifying document.evaluate and document.createNSResolver (#67)

[whatwg/dom] Editorial: always pass oldParent to removing steps (PR #1210)

[whatwg/dom] Improving ergonomics of events with Observable (#544)

[whatwg/dom] Proposal: DOM APIs in web workers? (Issue #1217)

[whatwg/dom] Timeout AbortSignal (or AbortController) that gets input from the operation (Issue #1082)

[whatwg/dom] Userland AbortSignal (Issue #1195)

[whatwg/dom] Variable strength aborting (Issue #1215)

[whatwg/fetch] `fetch` should have definition for server side stuff, like `dnsLookup` and `socketPath` (Issue #1635)

[whatwg/fetch] Add `"json"` destination, for JSON modules (PR #1691)

[whatwg/fetch] Add Fetch Assertions (Issue #1683)

[whatwg/fetch] Add WebDriver BiDi network request logging (PR #1540)

[whatwg/fetch] Consider response.throwIfNotOk() (Issue #1679)

[whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Add tags to create a connection alg (PR #1678)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Fix typo (PR #1677)

[whatwg/fetch] Expose the error from ReadableStream for Response methods via `err.cause` (Issue #1665)

[whatwg/fetch] Fetch body streams are not full duplex (#1254)

[whatwg/fetch] FetchObserver (for a single fetch) (#607)

[whatwg/fetch] Fix broken markup (PR #1689)

[whatwg/fetch] HTTPS upgrades proposal (PR #1655)

[whatwg/fetch] Missing tags in create a connection (Issue #1571)

[whatwg/fetch] Reverse HTTP for CSRF/XSS-proofing of localhost webservers (Issue #1685)

[whatwg/fetch] Trailer support in the API (#981)

[whatwg/fetch] Typo: request'a -> request's (Issue #1676)

[whatwg/fetch] 👍 (Issue #1690)

[whatwg/fetch] خاص (Issue #1681)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Document fullscreening vs. modal dialog (Issue #227)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Review Draft Publication: July 2023 (PR #228)

[whatwg/fullscreen] Specify behavior of popovers with fullscreen API (Issue #216)

[whatwg/streams] Add support for ReadableStream "owning" type (PR #1271)

[whatwg/streams] Consider making writer.abort() automatically generate an "AbortError" DOMException? (Issue #1290)

[whatwg/streams] Editorial: document `ReadableStream.from(asyncIterable)` (PR #1288)

[whatwg/streams] Latency-bounded reads (Issue #1270)

[whatwg/streams] legível (Issue #1289)

[whatwg/streams] reader.cancel([ reason ]) "behaves the same as stream.cancel(reason)" is confusing (Issue #1287)

[whatwg/streams] reader.cancel([ reason ]) "behaves the same as stream.cancel(reason)" is inaccurate and confusing (Issue #1287)

[whatwg/streams] solved (Issue #1286)

[whatwg/streams] TransformStream cleanup using "Transformer.cancel" (PR #1283)

[whatwg/url] Add file as allowed scheme for blob origin (PR #775)

[whatwg/url] Addressing HTTP servers over Unix domain sockets (#577)

[whatwg/url] Differentiate from zero-sized fragment and no fragment in url (Issue #779)

[whatwg/url] Keep blob: URLs containing file: origins as an exercise for the reader (PR #780)

[whatwg/url] Meta: UTS46 feedback (Issue #744)

[whatwg/url] Proposal for new version of parsing spec (Issue #778)

[whatwg/url] Redundant condition in #fragment-state (Issue #777)

[whatwg/webidl] Cryptoweb (Issue #1345)

[whatwg/webidl] Definition of {} is slightly ambiguous (Issue #1344)

[whatwg/webidl] Intent to use Constants (Issue #1347)

[whatwg/webidl] J s s (Issue #1338)

[whatwg/webidl] Make ObservableArray "subclassable" (Issue #1342)

[whatwg/webidl] Normative: Add DOMException cause (PR #1179)

[whatwg/webidl] Nullable ObservableArray attributes are not well supported (Issue #1337)

[whatwg/webidl] Should an @@unscopables property also be defined for globals? (#544)

[whatwg/xhr] H (Issue #378)

[WICG/webcomponents] 2023 TPAC F2F discussion? (Issue #1018)

[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] Capabilities needed and open questions (Issue #1009)

[WICG/webcomponents] [DOM Parts] Add new declarative syntax and update iterative proposal (PR #1023)

[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Attribute Grouping (Issue #1011)

[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Declarative syntax for creating DOM Parts (Issue #1003)

[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] HTMLTemplateElement.fromStrings() API (Issue #1019)

[WICG/webcomponents] [dom-parts] Tree structure of parts in the DOM (Issue #992)

[WICG/webcomponents] Add new declarative syntax and update iterative proposal (PR #1023)

[WICG/webcomponents] Alternative to customized built-in - Element custom enhancements (Issue #1000)

[WICG/webcomponents] Can someone update the w3c wiki? (Issue #1017)

[WICG/webcomponents] DOM Parts Proposal Additions (PR #1015)

[WICG/webcomponents] Proposal: DocumentFragment.prototype.getElementByPart(name) (Issue #1021)

[WICG/webcomponents] RFC: Element Handles for Cross-root ARIA (cross-post from wicg/aom) (Issue #1020)

[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 Cross-Root ARIA F2F (Issue #1005)

[WICG/webcomponents] Spring 2023 DOM Parts F2F (Issue #999)

[WICG/webcomponents] The is="" attribute is confusing? Maybe we should encourage only ES6 class-based extension. (#509)

[WICG/webcomponents] Update ElementInternals to Expose Forms in Shadow DOM (Issue #1022)

Last message date: Monday, 31 July 2023 23:15:48 UTC