[json-ld] The options argument to JsonLdProcessor.compact should perhaps be the last argument
[PROPOSAL: Turtle: EDITORIAL. Concepts: Non-ED] Language Tag Case Conflict (between RDF1.1 and BCP47)
[PROPOSAL: Turtle: EDITORIAL. Concepts: Non-ED] Re: Language Tag Case Conflict (between RDF1.1 and BCP47)
[RESOLVED] Re: normalization issues with Turtle spec tests
[RESOLVED] Re: surrogates is literals
[RESOLVED] Re: Turtle 2013 test suite comment
[RESOLVED] Re: Turtle test donations
[RESOLVED] Re: Turtle tests defining conformance
Comment on N-Triples document
Comment on N-Triples document (was: Re: Comments regarding "Turtle and N-Triples Synaxes for RDF")
Definition of Inconsistency
Futures (was: Request for JSON-LD API review)
ISSUE-124: Futures / Order of parameters (was: Re: Request for JSON-LD API review)
JSON-LD should be an RDF syntax
- Kingsley Idehen (Tuesday, 30 April)
- David Wood (Monday, 29 April)
- David Booth (Monday, 29 April)
- Kingsley Idehen (Monday, 29 April)
- David Booth (Monday, 29 April)
- Kingsley Idehen (Monday, 29 April)
- Nathan (Monday, 29 April)
- David Wood (Monday, 29 April)
- David Booth (Monday, 29 April)
- Kingsley Idehen (Monday, 29 April)
- David Booth (Monday, 29 April)
- Bo Ferri (Saturday, 27 April)
- David Wood (Wednesday, 24 April)
- David Booth (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 9 April)
My new Turtle RDF parser for Java
node-n3 Turtle parser => compliance report?
normalization issues with Turtle spec tests
RDF-ISSUE-124 (order-of-parameters): Order of parameters (options or callback last) - by Boris Zbarsky [JSON-LD Last Call 1]
RDF-ISSUE-125 Futures (was: Request for JSON-LD API review)
RDF-ISSUE-125 Futures vs. callbacks (was: Re: Request for JSON-LD API review)
Request for Grant for Contributed Test Cases
Request for JSON-LD API review (was: Coordination)
Request for review of the application/ld+json media type
Turtle implementation report for RDF::Trine
- Peter Ansell (Saturday, 27 April)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Saturday, 27 April)
- David Robillard (Saturday, 27 April)
- Gregory Williams (Thursday, 25 April)
- David Robillard (Friday, 19 April)
- Andy Seaborne (Thursday, 18 April)
- Peter Ansell (Thursday, 18 April)
- Andy Seaborne (Thursday, 18 April)
- Gavin Carothers (Thursday, 18 April)
- Gregory Williams (Thursday, 18 April)
- Peter Ansell (Wednesday, 17 April)
- David Wood (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Gregory Williams (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Andy Seaborne (Wednesday, 17 April)
- David Wood (Wednesday, 17 April)
- David Booth (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Gregory Williams (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Gregory Williams (Wednesday, 17 April)
- David Wood (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Gregory Williams (Wednesday, 17 April)
Turtle Test Cases License Grant
Turtle version naming?
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 April 2013 23:21:38 UTC