Definition of Inconsistency


I stumpled upon the definition of Inconsistency

"An RDF graph is inconsistent if it contains an internal contradiction. There is no possible arrangement of the world that would make the expression true."

Imho that makes no sense, an RDF graph can't contain an internal contradiction, since it is not possible to express negation in RDF. If I state

:Bob :sex :Male .
:Bob :sex :Female .

it is not contradictory in RDF, though it might be contradictory in the interpretation and understanding, someone has about the world.

The second part does not clarify the definition, a "possible arrangement of the world" can be seen in a loose or very broad sense. Following this definition,  inconsistency lies in the eye of the beholder: an RDF graph containing 

:Buddha rdf:type :God .

would be consistent for Buddhist and for people who do not care, but inconsistent for those, believing in another god and deny the existence of any other.

Is there any discussion about that? Can you clarify?


Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 18:06:27 UTC