Re: Turtle implementation report for RDF::Trine

On Apr 18, 2013, at 12:13 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

>> The user time question you raised is exemplified in the case where
>> someone is copying prefixes from a SPARQL query. I would argue that
>> ideally, we'd see one popular representation for prefix (and base)
>> declarations and it would be compatible with SPARQL (fixing the '@'s
>> and '.'s is frustrating for many users). The big question is how
>> reallistic is it that we can migrate there from our current
>> widely-deployed '@' directives and how can we balance short-term and
>> long-term interests.
> I'm not convinced there is a major need to align prefixes.  I see it
> more as a historical artifact.   If the community, want it fine; there opinions expressed for and against.


> But - an observation -
> for those goals, one step would be to make '.' optional in the
> @prefix/@base forms.

That was my original suggestion (in the case where both syntaxes were supported), and the thing I was hoping to see discussion on. Thanks, Andy.


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 15:20:02 UTC