Re: Turtle implementation report for RDF::Trine

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Gregory Williams <>wrote:

> On Apr 18, 2013, at 1:07 AM, David Wood <> wrote:
> > Hi Greg,
> >
> > We discussed this issue today:
> >
> Thanks, Dave. Seems more discussion is required, but I wanted to briefly
> comment on something Ivan said in the minutes:
> >> Ivan Herman: What Sandro said is what I meant -- we expected this
> comment earlier ←
> >> ... we got no comment on @previx vs. PREFIX ←
> I understand this came rather late in the process. I didn't notice this
> issue when I reviewed the LC document, and that was my fault. It came up as
> an issue for me into the CR period as a result of seeing the Turtle test
> suite (which I believe, though could be mistaken about, wasn't available in
> any form at the time of LC). Having explicit negative syntax tests about
> these grammar rules is what really brought this to my attention, and is
> what caused me to send my comment. On a related note, is the turtle test
> suite stable at this point? Its wiki page hasn't been updated since March
> 12th, but I believe things have been moving around in hg since then. Is
> there somewhere other than the wiki page that I should be looking at for
> status updates regarding the test suite and implementation reporting?

The test suite has one last change (HA) to move to it's "permanent home" or something like that. That will also be
the base URL for all the tests as well. Otherwise we think everything is
stable. Will send out something once that is complete.


> thanks,
> .greg

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 02:27:53 UTC