[dxwg] [I18N] Examples provide no language or direction metadata (#958)
[dxwg] [I18N] References to ISO-639 vs. BCP47 (#959)
[dxwg] [I18N] Various date types could be more specific (#957)
[dxwg] Current https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/dxwg/gh-pages/dcat/rdf/dcat.ttl is inconsistent (#944)
[dxwg] Dataset series (#868)
[dxwg] dcat conformance question (#967)
[dxwg] DCAT review: Support both FOAF a vCard for agents (#956)
[dxwg] DCAT: ODRL CG review (#949)
[dxwg] DCAT: Request for clarification on dcat:endpointDescription (#960)
[dxwg] DCAT: s/getCapabilities/GetCapabilities/ (#961)
[dxwg] DCAT: Updates to ack section (#945)
[dxwg] dcat:Resource description edits, section 5.1 (#966)
[dxwg] Duplicate Conformance heading (#953)
[dxwg] Incorrect reference to PROF-IETF in conneg-by-ap (#954)
[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran
[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning
[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair
[dxwg] Pull Request: Commented OpenAPI entry - now in SpecRef
[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg 2pwd pubrules
[dxwg] Pull Request: Fixed link for range of dcat:hadRole
[dxwg] Pull Request: Implemented revisions requested by ODRL CG
[dxwg] Pull Request: removing closed issues
[dxwg] Pull Request: s/getCapabilities/GetCapabilities/
[dxwg] Pull Request: Updated OAI-PMH section mentioning metadataPrefix
[dxwg] Refer to OAI-PMH as an implementation of QSA (#516)
[dxwg] Registration of target attribute "profile" for the Link-Header (#501)
[dxwg] removing closed issues (#948)
[dxwg] Replace http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Role with https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/#Class:Relationship for hadRole (#962)
[dxwg] Replace prov#Role with #Class:Relationship for hadRole (#962)
[dxwg] Revisiting the definition of "profile" (#963)
[dxwg] Should any DCAT predicates be registered as IANA relations? (#946)
[dxwg] Updated OAI-PMH section mentioning metadataPrefix (#951)
[dxwg] vCard and FOAF? (#955)
- Renato Iannella via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- ltrani via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- ltrani via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Stephen Richard via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- ltrani via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Stephen Richard via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Renato Iannella via GitHub (Monday, 24 June)
- Andrea Perego via GitHub (Sunday, 23 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Sunday, 23 June)
- makxdekkers via GitHub (Sunday, 23 June)
- Renato Iannella via GitHub (Sunday, 23 June)
- Andrea Perego via GitHub (Saturday, 22 June)
- ltrani via GitHub (Friday, 21 June)
- Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran via GitHub (Friday, 21 June)
- Dan Brickley via GitHub (Friday, 21 June)
- Jakub Klímek via GitHub (Friday, 21 June)
- Riccardo Albertoni via GitHub (Friday, 21 June)
[ExternalEmail] Proposed agenda for CNEG telecon 2019-06-20T12:00:00Z
Agenda for CNEG telecon 2019-06-27
Aw: Coordination of Conneg and IETF
Blog post
Canceled: DCAT sub-group (April-October schedule)
Closed: [dxwg] DCAT review: Support both FOAF a vCard for agents (#956)
Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: s/getCapabilities/GetCapabilities/ (#961)
Coordination of Conneg and IETF
DCAT create/createdDate
DCAT sub-group call 2019.06.05T20:00:00Z
DCAT-AP - a key for European data publishers to reach the data consumers and create a European open data ecosystem | ISA²
Definition of "profile": a counterproposal
Do we really need a notion of profile "conformance"?
- pedro winstley (Friday, 21 June)
- andrea.perego@ec.europa.eu (Friday, 21 June)
- Karen Coyle (Thursday, 20 June)
- Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Thomas Baker (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Karen Coyle (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Thomas Baker (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Antoine Isaac (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Karen Coyle (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Antoine Isaac (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Thomas Baker (Wednesday, 12 June)
DXWG Plenary - 2019-06-04T20:00:00
DXWG Plenary 2019-06-11T20:00:00 Agenda
DXWG Plenary Meeting 2019-06-25T20:00:00
DXWG plenary. 2019-06-11T20:00:00
DXWG Plenary: 2019-06-18T20:00:00
dxwg-ACTION-338: Handle definition in 662 re profiles and media types
dxwg-ACTION-339: Start google doc and add whatever he thinks will help
dxwg-ACTION-340: Respond to query re ietf process
dxwg-ACTION-341: To final review and reply to tom formally
Fwd: Proposal for representing Aggregate Statistical Data
Github issue for profile definition discussion
Minutes from the CNEG meeting 2019-06-20
More examples of Profiles
PROF recommencement - meeting times suggestion
Proposal for representing Aggregate Statistical Data
Proposed agenda for CNEG telecon 2019-06-20T12:00:00Z
this is a test
Trying to articulate our various "profiles"
Use of Google Docs for discussion
Web architecture expertise
Wide Review of Data Catalog Vocabulary Version 2
Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2019 22:32:51 UTC