xmlschema-dev@w3.org from September 2004 by subject

"PSVI, Element Declaration, processor option"

"RE: The dubious XML schema test collection"'

"Re: Union types derived by restriction"

"Re: XML Schema Test Collection"

'Re: "Re: The dubious XML schema test collection"'

'Re: "Re: XML Schema Test Collection"'

[ANN] Saxon 8.1

Announce: JaxMe 0.3.1

Are there question marks not allowed in href?

canonical lexical rep


Constraints on whiteSpace

Content models for xs:appinfo and xs:documentation

Cross-references among included schema documents

Domain experts

Empty complexType with "mixed" attribute

Error while generating source code thru schema using castor JDO

Extending abstract elements with a choice


How Check If One Element Or A Group Exists

how to create extensible xml schemas

i need your help(please)

Inheritance of "mixed"

inheritance problem (newbie)

ISP problem [was Union types derived by restriction ]

list of bugs for various processors?

Newbie question: Needed help in namespace problems in xsds

Proposed change to W3C XML Schema for XML namespace

redefining attribute groups for controlled extensibility

restrictions and cardinality

schema editor?

SchemaViewer 2 - Update information on XML Schema home page

SV: Union types derived by restriction

The dubious XML schema test collection

Union example incorrect?

Union types derived by restriction

Who tests UPA

Who tests UPA?

XML Schema Test Collection

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 2004 16:08:34 UTC