www-rdf-logic@w3.org from May 2001 by subject

Alternative RDF Syntaxes (n3, ...)

CG: Re: Is the meaning of order intrinsic ?

concrete types and inference

Contexts, Axioms and Definitions in RDF(S)

correction (was: RE: What do the ontologists want)


Cyclic Classes/Properties

Cyclic Classes/Properties [was: Re: ...]

Cyclic Classes/Properties [was: Re: DAML Correction: Same Is Not A Sub Of Sub]

DAML Correction: Same Is Not A Sub Of Sub

DAML ObjectProp vs DatatypeProp


Desirata for Symbols (was Re: What do the ontologists want)

Interoperability (Was: what do ontologists want?)

Is the meaning of order intrinsic ?

Jena bug fixed

Last CfP: Foundations of Models for Information Integration workshop (FMII-2001)

Layering (was Re: What do the ontologists want)

metadata vs. meta-(meta)-data

N3 vs. XML

N3 vs. XML (rdf:parseType)


Ontologies =?= Languages

Ontologies Workshop - Call for Papers

Predicates and Arcs vs Triples RE: use/mention and reification: rdf:predicate/subject/object

Problem with 'not' (was Re: What do the ontologists want)

Progress (was: What do the ontologists want)

Proposal revisited: RE: use/mention and reification: rdf:predicate/subject/object...

Range interpretation question.

RDF Abstract Syntax: a strawman

RDF model revisited, or: How to make the most out of Reifications and Containers

RDF semantics: applications, formalism and education

Reified Statements Using Restrictions

relational mapping?

Semantic Web Mining - Workshop at ECML/PKDD

Set Theory (NBG)

Sets, Nodes and Types was: Re: DAML ObjectProp vs DatatypeProp

Surface vs. Abstract Syntax, was: RE: What do the ontologists want

The Mel99 semantics for RDF

The Unique Names Assumption + RDF Layer 1 as Restricted FOL

Theoretical view of order

URIs as names (was: What do the ontologists want)

use/mention and reification: rdf:predicate/subject/object [was: RDF Abstract Syntax...]

use/mention and reification: rdf:predicate/subject/object[was: RDF Abstract Syntax...]

useful reification

W3C will again cast pearls (was :RE: What do the ontologists want)

What do the ontologists want

What do the ontologists want (what URIs denote)

What do the ontologists want?

Why Triples? (was Re: What do the ontologists want)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 May 2001 12:15:12 UTC