from January 2011 by subject

Action updates needed

Action updates needed - ACTION-231

Action updates needed - ACTION-231 (Web Introducer prototyping)

Action-300 and HTML+Speech Feedback/RTC-Web (was RE: Draft minutes 2011-01-19)

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-05

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-12

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-19

An HTML5 logo

Contacts API concerns (RE: Draft minutes, 2011-01-15)

Contacts API updates

DAP teleconference cancelled 26 January

DAP-ISSUE-107 (messagingUris): How to better integrate URIs schemes in Messaging API [Messaging API]

Draft minutes 2011-01-19

Draft minutes, 2011-01-05

Draft minutes, 2011-01-05 v2

Draft minutes, 2011-01-15

Feedback to the DAP group on the topic of audio/media capture needed for HTML+Speech

Gallery API / TV Workshop

IE Tracking Protection (was: Mozilla's Do Not Track)

ISSUE-106: Does having a timezone field make sense, should it be utfOffset or utcOffset and tz to better match vCard

ISSUE-64 - propose to close

Messaging API and URI schemes (ISSUE-107)

Messaging API Update

Messaging API update (was: Messaging API usage)

Messaging API usage (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-12)

Messaging published

Mozilla's Do Not Track

Privacy related issues - next steps

Privacy rules along with data (related to Mozilla's Do Not Track)

Proposed SysInfo updates and notes for actions/issues

Proposed updates to Pending and Raised ISSUES, suggest "API Requirements and Design Decisions" document

Publishing "Device API Access Control Use Cases and Requirements"

Question/comments on Ruleset "Issues"

R: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-19


Regrets (was Re: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2011-01-05)

Updates to access control use cases and requirements editors draft, publish an update?

Updates to Contacts API

vCard and vEvent microdata in HTML5

Web Send aka Powerbox update (was: Re: Action updates needed)

Last message date: Friday, 28 January 2011 17:10:41 UTC