from May 2014 by subject

[ACTION-15] General text on conversion

A draft outline for the CSV2RDF document

Agenda for 2014-05-07 CSVW telcon

Agenda for telcon 2014-05-21

Agenda for tomorrow

Another use case: Spotfire's CSV-like format

Conversion templates as examples of concrete implementation

CSV to XML conversion requirement

CSV use case

CSV Use cases

csv2rdf python experiments

Example for a CSV file in Hebrew

Graph Fragments Templates

Hello, all

Hidden hierarchy example

HL7 Use case drafted

Implementation: tabular data editing + publishing

Inline metadata in CSV

Keeping security in mind

Meeting minutes 2014-05-21

Meeting minutes, 2014-05-14

Metadata document v0.0.1

Minor addition to the metadata vocabulary?

Minor terminological issue in the metadata text

Minutes of meeting, 2015-5-7

New i18n use case [WAS: CSV use case]

New metadata draft



Regrets for next week's CSVW meeting

Regrets for teleconference 28-May

Regrets for today's telecon

Regrets for tomorrow's telecon.

Request for comments - Requirements analysis

Request for comments about requirements

RTL Directionality use case #19 added

Telcon 2014-05-14

Telcon slots

Template as mechanism for CSV conversion.

Updates to the use-case document

Updates to use case #21: biodiversity

Use Case: Making Sense of Other People's Data

Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2014 14:16:04 UTC