Re: New metadata draft

On May 21, 2014, at 10:02 AM, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve done some fairly substantial work on the metadata draft [1] to get the structure and content more towards where I think we want it to head, including trying to map the existing data package structures into something that makes (more) sense if we’re viewing the metadata documents as JSON-LD structures with a metadata vocabulary.
> There’s still a lot of work to do (and loads of issues as you’ll see), but I think it’s a little more internally consistent now. Comments appreciated.

Some technical comments on the JSON-LD used within the document.

In ISSUE 1, you raise some questions within the JSON-LD context:

[[something here that maps the publisher onto an appropriate type?]]

Note that the JSON-LD context doesn't really describe dataranges beyond that for literals. So you map "publisher" to dc:publisher, and say that the default value is expected to be an IRI or BNode; you can't say that the type of that IRI should have a type of, say, schema:Person, if that's indeed what your attempting. For that, you need to revert to OWL or RDFS (or the rangeIncludes variation).

don't know how to say the list is of Column objects
don't know how to detail the properties of the columns in context

I modified this to the following: "columns": {"@type": "@id", "@container": "@list"}
Note that using @id within the term definition is not necessary if the term can already be expanded to an IRI (using @vocab, in this case). The @container: @list says that it is an ordered list, the @type: @id says that the default type for the list elements is expected to be an @id.

On ISSUE 2: a JSON-LD doc can always reference the context remotely. In fact, if the RDFS for the vocabulary is published at <>, the JSON-LD version of that vocabulary can also include the context itself, in addition to the RDFS definition. This would make a simple document look like the following:

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "tree-ops.csv",

ISSUE 19: This also means that the column values need an @id defined. You could avoid BNodes, by simply using a string which can be resolved as an IRI relative to the document location. If "name" had @type: @id, it would not be treated as a string, but as a property referencing an internally node. For example:

  "@context": [ "", {"@base": "tree-ops.csv#"}],
  "@id": "tree-ops.csv"
  "columns": [
    {@id": "GID", "name": "GID", ...},
    {@id": "familyName", "name": "familyName", ...}
    {@id": "givenName", "name": "givenName", ...}
  "primaryKey: ["familyName", "givenName"],

If you made "name" a synonym for "@id", you wouldn't need to use @id either, but you'd need to be sure that "name" was used uniquely, as that could cause separate nodes to coalesce when turned into RDF. Alternatively, "name" could be a property of type @id, instead of string, in which case it would refer to a node having that @id definition.

ISSUE 37: I think you can use data-include in ReSpec to actually load the context definition into the document; should be able to syntax highlite it too.


> Jeni
> [1]
> --  
> Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2014 20:08:06 UTC