[ANNOUNCE] Defining your own Functions in XQuery
[xml-dev] Re: specify element type depending of same element attribute value?
[xmlschema-dev] <none>
[xmlschema-dev] Entity
at least one
CodeSynthesis XSD 2.1.1 - open-source XML Schema to C++ translator
Designing XML Schemas for use in Oracle 10 - flatter is better or nested is better?
Imports do not seem to have any effect in validators.
- Ortuzar San Vicente, Lander (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Michael Kay (Tuesday, 9 May)
- George Cristian Bina (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Florent Georges (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Ortuzar San Vicente, Lander (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Florent Georges (Monday, 8 May)
- Ortuzar San Vicente, Lander (Monday, 8 May)
include and targetNamespace error
Question about datatype
Question of reports of non-determinism
RE%3A%20%5Bxmlschema-dev%5D%20%3Cnone%3E&In-Reply-To=%253C016c01c67472 %24d3330db0%246401a8c0%40turtle%253E&References=%253C016c01c67472%24d3 330db0%246401a8c0%40turtle%253E
Schema Query re import and defines
- Kelso, Simon (Monday, 29 May)
- Henry S. Thompson (Monday, 29 May)
- Kelso, Simon (Thursday, 18 May)
- Kelso, Simon (Thursday, 18 May)
- Michael Kay (Friday, 12 May)
- Kelso, Simon (Wednesday, 10 May)
specify element type depending of same element attribute value?
Tool for flattening distributed XML schemas
Tool to convert xsd to regex!
Using XSV
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 May 2006 12:01:26 UTC