Re: specify element type depending of same element attribute value? wrote:
> And, adding to Mike's answer, the schema workgroup is devoting a lot of 
> effort to choosing the right features for Schema 1.1 that would allow just 
> such co-occurrence constraints to be expressed.  Though I can't officially 
> commit anything, I would expect to see at least some initial proposals in 
> whatever is the next public working draft of the Schema 1.1 specification. 
>  Stay tuned.


I'm playing with an alternate schema technology that can build content 
models dynamically, as shown in this example :

Thus, co-occurrence constraints are easy to achieve with the Active 
Schema Language :

Of course, this is still experimental, but it's worth seeing ; there are 
lots of ideas that might interest the schema workgroup.


              (. .)
|      Philippe Poulard       |
        Have the RefleX !

Received on Monday, 15 May 2006 12:27:52 UTC