RE: specify element type depending of same element attribute value?

And, adding to Mike's answer, the schema workgroup is devoting a lot of 
effort to choosing the right features for Schema 1.1 that would allow just 
such co-occurrence constraints to be expressed.  Though I can't officially 
commit anything, I would expect to see at least some initial proposals in 
whatever is the next public working draft of the Schema 1.1 specification. 
 Stay tuned.

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

"Michael Kay" <>
Sent by:
05/12/2006 04:43 PM
        To:     "'Crni Gorac'" <>, <>
        cc:     (bcc: Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM)
        Subject:        RE: specify element type depending of same element 
attribute value?

> First problem is related to case 
> when type of contents of a simple element (not containing nested
> element) is determined by this element attribute value. 

This is one of the most well-known restrictions in XML Schema. The type of
an element is determined solely by its element name (and perhaps the 
in which the element appears, and perhaps the xsi:type attribute). You 
write content models that depend on the presence or value of an attribute.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 12 May 2006 20:52:54 UTC