RE: Tool for flattening distributed XML schemas

Hi Andreas,

RuleML uses such a "distributed XML schema" to define a family of

Unfortunately, I know of no such "flattening" tool for XML Schema. DTDs,
on the other hand, are a different story: there seem to be at least a
couple (probably because of relative ease of implementation).

Such a tool for XML Schema would indeed be very useful. It would save me
a lot of documentation time!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Andreas Hoenen
> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: Tool for flattening distributed XML schemas
> Hello,
> consider the case of constructing a distributed XML schema:
> One top level file besides defining the root element includes 
> other "library" files, actually referencing only some of the 
> types provided by those.  Some type definitions are taken 
> unchanged, others get redefined.
> Thus it may become quite complicated to understand the 
> resulting XML language.
> Does anyone know about a tool (API, script, algorithm, ...) 
> that is able to "flatten" the distributed schema, that is 
> filtering out all superfluous types, resolving the 
> redefinitions and presenting the result as a new, equivalent schema?
> Open source tools would be preferred :-)
> Thanks for you attention, Andreas
> ______________________________________________________________
> __________
> Andreas Hoenen <>
> GPG: 1024D/B888D2CE
>      A4A6 E8B5 593A E89B 496B
>      82F0 728D 8B7E B888 D2CE

Received on Friday, 26 May 2006 15:16:21 UTC