xmlschema-dev@w3.org from December 2001 by thread

Restricting string content Michael Kohler (Sunday, 30 December)

qname resolution question Takuki Kamiya (Friday, 28 December)

qname resolution question Takuki Kamiya (Friday, 28 December)

Updated schema for the XML namespace? Eric van der Vlist (Thursday, 27 December)

XML Timezones s.livingstone@btinternet.com (Sunday, 23 December)

Translation of XML Schema part 0 in French Eric van der Vlist (Thursday, 20 December)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Xerces 2 Java Parser Beta 4 Release lmartin@ca.ibm.com (Thursday, 20 December)

Sequence fixed attributes Gerson Mizuta Weiss (Wednesday, 19 December)

Derivation Valid (Extension): 1.2 attribute uses Lemmin, Harald (Thursday, 20 December)

Redeclaring attribute in derived type Jesse McCarthy (Thursday, 20 December)

Re: Wrapped around the axle: Refining and extending structures across namespaces mike_leditschke@nemmco.com.au (Thursday, 20 December)

RE: Wrapped around the axle: Refining and extending structures ac ross namespaces Mark Feblowitz (Thursday, 20 December)

Wrapped around the axle: Refining and extending structures across namespaces Mark Feblowitz (Wednesday, 19 December)

XML Validation Kakkar, Vishwas (CORP, Consultant) (Monday, 17 December)

Selector Field question(unique) Arigapudi, Shyam (Saturday, 15 December)

Uniqueness question Arigapudi, Shyam (Thursday, 13 December)

pattern question Arigapudi, Shyam (Thursday, 13 December)

How to validate? Lau Chung Sing (Thursday, 13 December)

re: using xml schema in local directory Lau Chung Sing (Thursday, 13 December)

How to refer to another Schema from a Schema? Shweta Sinha (Thursday, 13 December)

Using multiple namespaces in a in an XML instance Lukas Tan (Thursday, 13 December)

Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form Slein, Judith A (Tuesday, 18 December)

XML Schema validation using JAXP Q? Jakub.Valenta@Deio.net (Monday, 17 December)

Schema Validation Kumeda (Friday, 14 December)

How to make XML Tags Optional Prasanna Tadinada (Thursday, 13 December)

Redefining redefines Mark Feblowitz (Thursday, 13 December)

Attribute uses of complexType complexContent restriction Lemmin, Harald (Thursday, 13 December)

ANNOUCEMENT: Castor is now available Arnaud Blandin (Thursday, 13 December)

ANNOUNCE: XML Spy 4.2 Suite now available - adds WSDL/SOAP support for developing Web Services Alexander Falk (Thursday, 13 December)

Inconsistent defn of PSVI Contributions for attribute information items Stanley Guan (Wednesday, 12 December)

include florent (Wednesday, 12 December)

Using XML Schema in local directory Lau Chung Sing (Wednesday, 12 December)

sites on xml schemas Prasanth S B (Wednesday, 12 December)

Validaton of xml file against xsd file Karuna Kumar P (Monday, 10 December)

Equivalent of DOCTYPE in Schemas? Nigel Armstrong (Wednesday, 12 December)

a small doubt Rahul Srivastava (Wednesday, 12 December)

validation by types not by names Oleg Tkachenko (Tuesday, 11 December)

XHTML schema question Jiangcheng Bao (Tuesday, 11 December)

SOAP and WSDL and inheritance by restriction James Pasley (Tuesday, 11 December)

Re[2]: Keyref not working in MSXML4 - is it correct? Kevin Burges (Tuesday, 11 December)

New attributes in element Qiao, Wenjie (Tuesday, 11 December)

clause 3.2 of Element Locally Valid (Element) sandygao@ca.ibm.com (Monday, 10 December)

Extension via restriction question Mark Feblowitz (Monday, 10 December)

Minimal conformance levels for dateTimes Ashok Malhotra (Sunday, 9 December)

targetnamespace problem with XSV? Naomi Dushay (Friday, 7 December)

Query regarding & RAJIV MALLIK (Friday, 7 December)

Restricting text in mixed content element richard.liu@ubs.com (Friday, 7 December)

XHTML schema Chulanapa Viravaidya (Gait) (Friday, 7 December)

Overriding of a fixed value Maikel Jansen (Friday, 7 December)

rollback, underministic, unique? Stanley Guan (Friday, 7 December)

Substitution Groups and NonDeterminism Mark Feblowitz (Friday, 7 December)

Confusion about SimpleContent and SimpleType restrictions Niko Suave (Friday, 7 December)

Request for new namespace capabilities in "any" element Mark Feblowitz (Friday, 7 December)

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Xerces-C++ 1.6.0. is now ready! Tinny Ng (Friday, 7 December)

Possible error and clarification Justus Neuser (Wednesday, 5 December)

Is it possible to validate XML against an XSD in a database Malia Zaheer (Thursday, 6 December)

Namespace of locally declared elements when extending imported types Jeffrey Stephenson (Wednesday, 5 December)

Different namspaces in one schema xml-dj@gmx.de (Wednesday, 5 December)

schema help needed (3 questions) sk ask (Wednesday, 5 December)

Namespace of locally declared elements when extending imported types Jeffrey Stephenson (Wednesday, 5 December)

elements with descriptors Saul Farber (Thursday, 6 December)

Restricting substitution groups? Eric van der Vlist (Thursday, 6 December)

yet another problem with global stuff Guillaume Rousse (Thursday, 6 December)

Fwd: FW: Namespace of locally declared elements when extending imported types Jeni Tennison (Thursday, 6 December)

Validation with XML4J Seema Kumar (Thursday, 6 December)

xerces-j validation issues Tom Preston (Wednesday, 5 December)

The minimum valid anonymous complex type declaration Stanley Guan (Wednesday, 5 December)

validation problem, conflicting element scope ? Guillaume Rousse (Wednesday, 5 December)

XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001 - error Dmitry_Trifonov@exigengroup.com (Wednesday, 5 December)

ENTITY datatype Stanley Guan (Tuesday, 4 December)

Re: Problems with Simple XML Validation JKim@orbitz.com (Tuesday, 4 December)

ENTITY datatype Stanley Guan (Tuesday, 4 December)

[xmlschema-dev] Re: XML transformation using XSLT, given schemas for source and target Bob Schloss (Tuesday, 4 December)

extension and restriction Niko Suave (Tuesday, 4 December)

XML transformation Gary Robertson (Tuesday, 4 December)

New email address Jack E. Slingerland (Monday, 3 December)

schema libraries Tom Preston (Monday, 3 December)

d2d2xs: NMTOKEN vs. string Stanley Guan (Monday, 3 December)

SubstitutionGroup / Derivation Clarification xsd@themartian.com (Saturday, 1 December)

W3C Schema website intro Gary Robertson (Monday, 3 December)

Simple Type Questions sandygao@ca.ibm.com (Monday, 3 December)

DTD to Schema converter Stanley Guan (Monday, 3 December)

XSV - Another possible bug with XSV type checking Tom Preston (Monday, 3 December)

Cannot find the declaration of ... Nathalie Furmento (Monday, 3 December)

Generating dynamic "choice" content Piccand RĂ©gis (Monday, 3 December)

RE: Restricting decimals Mike_Leditschke@nemmco.com.au (Monday, 3 December)

Re: Order of elements in a complex-type Mason Lee (Friday, 30 November)

scoping of namespace prefix Naomi Dushay (Friday, 30 November)

Last message date: Monday, 31 December 2001 15:29:02 UTC