Re: Substitution Groups and NonDeterminism

> <xs:element name="TaxWitholdingExempt" type="TaxWitholdingExempt"
> minOccurs="0"/>
> <xs:element ref="Partner" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
> <xs:element name="AttachmentReference" type="AttachmentReference"
> minOccurs="0"
> <xs:element ref="ShipToPartner"/>
> This appears to create a nondeterminism because a ShipToPartner could match
> either the general reference in the Substitution Group or the specific one
> at the end (past the generic reference). 
> Am I correct that, if I have a Substitution Group as element content that I
> cannot place any of its members as succeeding siblings without triggering a
> nondeterminism? Is there a way around this (that doesn't force the
> succeeding sibling down into some further nested content)?

The key here is that the AttachmentReference is optional.  If minOccurs
were non-zero, then I don't think there would be any ambiguity.


Received on Friday, 7 December 2001 16:19:34 UTC