Re: Semantics of elementFormDefault / Form

Priscilla Walmsley wrote:
> With namespace="##other", you should _never_ get an ambiguous
> content model error, because ##other means that the elements
> matching the wildcard _must_ be in a namespace. Since unqualified
> local elements must _not_ be in a namespace, there is no ambiguity.

Hmm... I think that there's a contradiction in the Rec.

In the Rec it says that when namespace="##other", the {namespace
constraint} of the wildcard schema component is:

 "a pair of not and the actual value of the targetNamespace attribute
  of the schema ancestor element information item if present,
  otherwise absent."

In the description of the {namespace constraint} of the wildcard
schema component, it says that the {namespace constraint} provides for
validation of element items that:

 "(not and a namespace name) have any namespace other than the
  specified namespace name, or are not namespace qualified;"

Which I think implies that wildcards with namespace=##other do match
unqualified elements.

But later on in "Validation Rule: Wildcard allows Namespace Name" it

  For a value which is either a namespace name or ·absent· to be
  ·valid· with respect to a wildcard constraint (the value of a
  {namespace constraint}) one of the following must be true:

  2 All of the following must be true:
  2.1 The constraint is a pair of not and a namespace name or
      ·absent· ([Definition:] call this the namespace test).
  2.2 The value must not be identical to the ·namespace test·.
  2.3 The value must not be ·absent·.

Which I think implies that wildcards with namespace=##other do not
match unqualified elements (since their namespace name is absent).

If the description of {namespace constraint} summarises the intention,
the validation rule should be changed, so that it does not include
clause 2.3. If the validation rule defines the intention, then the
description of the {namespace constraint} should be changed, to remove
the ", or are not namespace qualified".



Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 06:40:59 UTC