XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001 - error

----- Forwarded by Dmitry Trifonov/LED/Exigen on 12/05/2001 11:29 AM -----
                    Trifonov             To:     ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk                                           
                    12/04/2001           Subject:     XML Schema Part 1: Structures W3C Recommendation 2 May  
                    09:21 PM             2001 - error                                                         

Hello, Henry

Would editors of XML Schema Recommendation correct error in 3.7.2 XML
Representation of Model Group Definition Schema Component:

  name = NCName>
  Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))

this declares required attribute "name", and doesn't declare "ref"

By my mind it must look as folows:

  name = NCName
  ref = NCName>
  Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))

Best Regards,

Dmitry Trifonov
Exigen Group (Saint-Petersburg)

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2001 03:29:44 UTC