Re: Order of elements in a complex-type

>Message-ID: <00a301c17807$edb5bfa0$>
>From: "Seema Kumar" <
>Is there any mechanism where the order of elements in a complex-type may be
>made immaterial in a complex-type defnition ?
>For eg  in the following defnition :
><xsd:complexType name="FormType" >
><xsd:element name="TextBox" type="TextBoxType" minOccurs="0"/>
><xsd:element name="TextArea" type="TextAreaType" minOccurs="0"/>
><xsd:element name="Header" type="HeaderType" minOccurs="0"/>
>the schema parser expects the elements TextBox, TextArea and Header to
>appear in the same sequence.
>How do I define it such that they may appear any number of times inside
>in any sequence ?

  Hi all!  I saw Erik Beijnoff's good answer to the above question in a
recent thread.  I wonder further, however, how could this complex type be
defined such that the elements "TextBox" and "TextArea" may appear any
number of times, but the element "Header" must appear only once, and while
retaining the interesting characteristic that any of these three clild
elements may appear in any order.  Any ideas?

Thanks much,

Mason Lee
mgl @ netspace . org

Received on Saturday, 1 December 2001 07:25:21 UTC