[reminder] W3C WSDL 2.0 Implementors Call, Thursday, 2006-06-22, 1400 UTC (10 AM EDT)
Access to WSDL 2.0 Interop Registration Page
Agenda: 15 June 2006 WS Description telcon
Agenda: 30 June 2006 WS Description telcon
Agenda: 8 June 2006 WS Description telcon
Apologies for Implementors call
Axis2/Woden Integration Scenario Explanation
Call for Papers - NWeSP06 - Deadline extension
Clarification needed on HTTP Transfer Coding
CR 29: proposed resolution
CR045: Inline schemas with no target namespace
Editorial: Where does {http location ignore uncited} appear?
Endpoint component {name} property vs xml representation as a QName
Extensions and Import/Include
Implementors Call Today - Possible Late Arrival
Minutes of the Woden Status Telecon, 2006-06-13
Minutes, 1 June 2006 WS Description telcon
Minutes, 15 June 2006 WS Description telcon
Minutes, 8 June 2006 WS Description WG telcon
Multiple Ports
my action re: CR044
my action re: CR050
my action re: CR050: Counter Proposal
New CR issue and Re: service and binding name shown as QNames in example - should be NCNames
Parts 1 and 2 Treat Defaults Inconsistently with Eachother
Prefix declarations in inlined schema
problems with WSDL 1.1 schemas available at http://schemas.xmlsoap.org (disagree with WSDL 1.1 spec)
Regrets for 2006-06-29
Regrets for today's implementers call
Regrets for today's telcon
service and binding name shown as QNames in example - should be NCNames
SparqlQuery-1G missing schemaLocation
Updated Component Model Interchange Format Updates
Updated Woden Test Results
Why don't whttp:authenticationType and {http authentication scheme} match?
Woden Milestone 5 declared
Woden Results Updated to Latest Interchange Schema
Wrong examples in the test suite
WSDL 2.0 Validation Report Format and Woden Results
WSDL for Interop events
{http cookies} REQUIRED?
Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2006 12:30:25 UTC