Fw: Axis2/Woden Integration Scenario Explanation


The Axis2/Woden integration is working. Please test.

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
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----- Forwarded by Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM on 06/14/2006 09:34 AM -----

Eran Chinthaka <chinthaka@opensource.lk> 
06/14/2006 02:23 AM
Please respond to

Axis2/Woden Integration Scenario Explanation


This will explain how the woden integration is happening with Axis2, as
requested during the last woden telecon.

I got the HotelReservationService.wsdl [1] from the woden repo and
generated java artifacts from it. Axis2 wsdl2java can generate both
skeletons (this is the skeleton of the service implementation which is
described by the wsdl) and stubs (this is used to invoke the service).
This step required to read the wsdl 2.0 documents through Woden, then
pump the information populated in Woden in to Axis2 data binding 

Then I filled the methods in the skeleton to make it a dummy service and
deployed as web service in Axis2 engine.
Next, I used the above generated stub to invoke the service that was
I could successfully complete the scenario getting a response for the
invocation. This is an *initial* sign which indicates that Axis2/Woden
integration is successful.

Things to do :
- I need to check other WSDLs
- need to improve Axis2 internals a bit more to make sure new MEP uris
and other new namespaces are integrated properly.
- improve ?wsdl20, if there are problems

How to try :
One can run Axis2 wsdl2java tool by running
org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code with the following command line options.

-ss -sd -g -o <the places generated stuff should go > -p
org.apache.wodenintegration -wv 2

You will get stubs and skeletons for the given wsdl.

If required I can host this service in a public endpoint for you all to
invoke and see.

-- Chinthaka

[1] :

Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2006 13:38:18 UTC