www-svg@w3.org from June 2000 by subject

'transform' attribute syntax

2 AdobeSVGV antialiasing problems

Adobe releases SVG Viewer 1.0 final !!!

Adobe ships 1st release of the Adobe SVG Viewer

Adobe's SVG-Viewer bug?

AdobeSVGV & Higher/Lower Quality

AdobeSVGV: default LowQuality trick

Announcing first public release of SVG Test Suite

AW: Pie chart

Carriage return on text element

Changing visibility using JavaScript


Compression was: What is wrong with SVG?

creating and inserting a new node in javascript

CSIRO SVG Toolkit release - with scripting!

CSSValue creation

dynamically create and insert SVG into an HTML page

embedding nodes from an external file


get your SVGs published or linked

Inserting Video

inverse colors

jackaroo alpha release

Jasc Software announces Jasc® Trajectory ProT 0.30

Linking from an HTML-page into a svg-document

Location-Based-Services List

More on: How to create a SVG File in Java.

Namespace support

Pie chart

Producing SVG in a Java Servlet - Example!

Referencing elements in 'use'

Replacing an SVG node with a parser XML node?

Save SVG content as raster image


SVG and mobile access

SVG Information Set

svg-20000303-shared.dtd Validity problems, Namespaces


SVGColor Inheritance.



Zooming by defining rectangle and changing viewbox atttributes

Zooming without font resize

Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2000 09:44:05 UTC