2 AdobeSVGV antialiasing problems

Hi! I have two questions:

1). I've already asked this on www-svg@w3.org, and there is no answer till now. I know that there are other persons interested on this in the world... So, please, if someone knows how to do it...


Is it possible to enable/disable the default value for the "Higher Quality" option, from inside the SVG file? For example, for big SVG files (complexe maps for example), I think that it'll be better to render the SVG in "Lower Quality" first, in order to obtain the image immediately on the screen, and then to let the user to choose the "Higher Quality" if he wants...


2). I have a little problem with the antialiasing of AdobeSVGV: When a path contains a point outside the boundingbox of the SVG, this path is not antialiased for the last level of Zoom In. All another paths are antialiased normally, if all their points are inside the boundingbox of the SVG. Does somebody know what I have to do?... 
I've attached here two SVG examples (640x480) in order to ilustrate the problem. "Inside.svg" contains two paths, correctly handled by AdobeSVGV. For "Outside.svg", I changed the coordinates of the last point of the first path, from (500,80) to (1000,80). The last level of Zoom In doesn't work worrectly for this path, there is no antialiasing.  

Thank you, Victor

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2000 03:57:42 UTC