RE: dynamically create and insert SVG into an HTML page

> From:	Justin Friedl []
> thanks, how? Because I can't figure out how to take dynamically created
> and insert it into an <embed> tag in HTML.  I want to just take the
> unparsed
	There is no embed *element* in standard HTML!  Also, as
	far as I am aware, no released version of a browser supports
	SVG, so I don't think this question is meaningful, except as
	a question to specific "vendors" about their future plans, which
	is probably best addressed directly to them under NDA.

> Here's my scenario:
	[DJW:]  What you need here seems to be something like PDF with
	scripting (commonly called PostScript!++) or a general purpose
	GUI programming environment, or a scriptable word processor.

	You need a self contained language, not a combination of a 
	text and graphics language. I think that you should step back and
	ask why you are using HTML at all - HTML is not a page description
	language, it is a language to describe document structure in a 
	media independent way.  For a start, I would style the XML directly,
	rather than pretending to convert it to HTML, but that won't, I
	solve your problem, and you should be looking at other approaches.

	++ PDF has navigation features not present in PostScript, except
	as pdfmark operators.  If you need paragraph reflowing, as implied
	the structural markup nature of HTML, PS is not really appropriate,
	the only languages that tend to have the required capabilities are
	the native formats of word processing packages.  If you don't need 
	reflowing, I suspect that you could generate the whole as SVG.

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 14:48:32 UTC