Compression was: What is wrong with SVG?

> From: Jon Ferraiolo
> 3) Observation that compression techniques (e.g., gzip) on verbose
> syntaxes
> or path data didn't yield much additional compression versus compact
> syntaxes. In other words, a verbose syntax does NOT get compressed away by
> gzip.

As lossless data compression means exploiting background information on the
subspace of which a given data string stems, the most efficient algorithm
would be an SVG-specific one. With such a file type - specific compression,
which for example could treat appropriately html, svg, javascript etc.
subparts of a document, such differences in compression rate should become

Are there plans to develop such a thing?
Maybe this is not exactly the right mailing list for this idea.(?)

Dominik Lenné

Received on Sunday, 11 June 2000 09:18:05 UTC