www-font@w3.org from January to March 2000 by thread

Font embedding problem Ash (Friday, 31 March)

java and true type fonts Nermin ACAY (Monday, 13 March)

Urgent Font Help Needed (fwd) ches@io.com (Friday, 18 February)

Remove Jeffrey S Levin (Saturday, 5 February)

remove Emilio Lara Gómez (Saturday, 5 February)

remove Jaakko Korhonen (Saturday, 5 February)

remove Mikka (Wednesday, 2 February)

Re: EM Clive Bruton (Wednesday, 2 February)

Font adjustments (was Re: what's an em) Karlsson Kent - keka (Wednesday, 2 February)

RE: What's an em Karlsson Kent - keka (Tuesday, 1 February)

Re: [Moderator Action] How to remove Bert Bos (Monday, 31 January)

Remove Yourselves! Mary Cooper (Monday, 31 January)

remove Laslo Chaki (Monday, 31 January)

remove Nadja Vol-Ochs Wilson (Monday, 31 January)

remove Bruce Virga (Monday, 31 January)

Remove jonathan e ewart (Monday, 31 January)

RE: What's an em (was RE: Units, font sizing, and zoom suggestion for CSS 3) Karlsson Kent - keka (Monday, 31 January)

Font-size [and font-size-adjust] (was RE: Units, font sizing, and zoom suggestion for CSS 3) Karlsson Kent - keka (Monday, 31 January)

Baselines (was RE: Units, font sizing, and zoom suggestion for CSS 3) Karlsson Kent - keka (Monday, 31 January)

What's an em (was RE: Units, font sizing, and zoom suggestion for CSS 3) Karlsson Kent - keka (Monday, 31 January)

remove Jaakko Korhonen (Monday, 31 January)

[www-font] <none> Pillai, Girish (Friday, 28 January)

Abuse of a technical mailing list Chris Lilley (Friday, 28 January)

PRAYER mctotin@safeweb.net (Thursday, 27 January)

practice mctotin@safeweb.net (Thursday, 27 January)

Remove,Remove, Remove, mctotin@safeweb.net (Thursday, 27 January)

font size: proposed plan Erik van der Poel (Thursday, 27 January)

remove Jude Osborne (Thursday, 27 January)

remove mctotin@safeweb.net (Thursday, 27 January)

remove mctotin@safeweb.net (Wednesday, 26 January)

ascender, descender, cap-height and x-height Erik van der Poel (Sunday, 23 January)

Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2000 05:33:46 UTC