Re: What's an em

Just van Rossum wrote:
> At 3:24 PM -0800 01-02-2000, Erik van der Poel wrote:
> >If so, the "Pointsize" isn't the only thing that means anything. CSS2
> >claims that the ex/em ratio is important.
> I'm not saying it's important, I'm saying you can't reliably *get* at that
> ratio, and that renders the whole discussion rather meaningless.

Well, in order to implement CSS2's font-size-adjust, I would *have* to
get that ratio, so I guess I would just do "the right thing", which I'm
going to suggest would be the following:

Measure the height of the letters that normally have the same height as
'x', i.e. acemnorsuvwxz. Check the x-height value in the font (if any).
If the font's x-height value is "too" different from the median of the
x-heights of the above-mentioned glyphs, then ignore it, and use the
median. If the font's x-height is within a certain range from the
median, use it.

How's that sound?

Or are you saying that font-size-adjust should be removed from the CSS


Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2000 19:26:30 UTC