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uri@w3.org from February 2008
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28 messages
Tuesday, 5 February 2008 23:46:15 UTC,
Thursday, 28 February 2008 22:31:27 UTC
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uriparser 0.6.4 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Monday, 25 February)
uris and resources
Erik Wilde
(Monday, 25 February)
Some editorial comments about RFC 5234
Nicolas Krebs
(Sunday, 24 February)
Re: Some editorial comments about RFC 5234
Frank Ellermann
(Sunday, 24 February)
Re: Some editorial comments about RFC 5234
Nicolas Krebs
(Thursday, 28 February)
mailto-xxx + news-nntp URIs (was: Some editorial comments about RFC 5234)
Frank Ellermann
(Thursday, 28 February)
Re: Updated news-nntp-uri I-D
Frank Ellermann
(Sunday, 24 February)
How should empty path segments (e.g. a//c) treated in normalization?
Sebastian Pipping
(Sunday, 24 February)
Syntax-based normalization on relative URIs?
Sebastian Pipping
(Thursday, 21 February)
Re: Syntax-based normalization on relative URIs?
Sebastian Pipping
(Saturday, 23 February)
Re: Syntax-based normalization on relative URIs?
Joe Gregorio
(Saturday, 23 February)
Re: Syntax-based normalization on relative URIs?
Sebastian Pipping
(Sunday, 24 February)
Re: Syntax-based normalization on relative URIs?
Mike Brown
(Sunday, 24 February)
how to recognize non-http resources identified by http uris
Erik Wilde
(Thursday, 14 February)
uriparser 0.6.3 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Monday, 11 February)
uriparser 0.6.2 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Michael A. Puls II
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Michael A. Puls II
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Saturday, 9 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Michael A. Puls II
(Saturday, 9 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Saturday, 9 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Michael A. Puls II
(Saturday, 9 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Dan Connolly
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released
Sebastian Pipping
(Friday, 8 February)
Re: URIs for the standard output and input streams
Lisa Dusseault
(Tuesday, 5 February)
Re: URIs for the standard output and input streams
Lisa Dusseault
(Wednesday, 6 February)
Re: URIs for the standard output and input streams
(Thursday, 14 February)
Last message date
: Thursday, 28 February 2008 22:31:27 UTC