Re: uriparser 0.6.2 released

On 2/8/08, Sebastian Pipping <> wrote:
> Michael A. Puls II wrote:
> > If I put the following in the uriparser lib directory, I can do
> > "mingw32-make -f Mingw.mak" and all the objects will build and
> > liburiparser.a will be produced.
> That's interesting. Though I'd rather have this file in
> <win32\MinGW>. I slightly modified your Makefile to work
> from that location (see attachment). Would this still fit
> in your workflow?


Lots of questions:

After converting the indents to tabs for the attachment, the makefile
does indeed work in the win32/mingw directory. However, would it be
better to have the .o files written somewhere else like in
"mingw/.objs/lib" similar to how code blocks does it when you load and
build the uriparser project.?

Also, having the makefile build the tests or a separate makefile build
the tests would be cool too.

Also, I did try to use MSYS and do ./configure, but I got a sed error.
Is it supposed to work with MSYS?

Also, I noticed that when building UriNormalize.c, there are some
warnings in uriFixPercentEncodingInplaceA. Are those O.K. You should
see the warnings when you build?

Also, with the mingw makefile, did you check to see if the produced
liburiparser.a is correct? Does it have to be done statically using
"ar" like the following instead?

URI_LIB = ..\..\lib
URI_INCLUDE = ..\..\include
URI_WIN32 = ..

CC = gcc

CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra

        $(URI_LIB)\UriCommon.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriCompare.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriEscape.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriFile.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriIp4.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriIp4Base.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriNormalize.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriNormalizeBase.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriParse.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriParseBase.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriRecompose.o \
        $(URI_LIB)\UriResolve.o \

$(URI_WIN32)\liburiparser.a: $(OBJECTS)
 ar rcs $(URI_WIN32)\liburiparser.a $(OBJECTS)

%.o : %.c
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) "-I$(URI_INCLUDE)" -o "$@" -c "$<"

 del $(OBJECTS) $(URI_WIN32)\liburiparser.a

all: $(URI_WIN32)\liburiparser.a

Should the makefile give an option to produce release and debug
versions and shared and static versions etc.?

Also, what flags can be passed when compiling? Any unicode flags?

> Are you interested in adding support for make check
> and co-maintain the Makefile in the future? If so please
> tell me your nick on SourceForge so I can add you to the
> project.

If I can figure things out, will let you know. I want to mess with the
parser first. I don't know how to use it at all yet.

For starters, I want to figure out how to just pass in a URI and get
the different parts. Have an example of that? (I see the doc
directory. Do I have to build the documentation too?)



Received on Saturday, 9 February 2008 03:37:10 UTC