XProc face-to-face meeting at the W3C Technical Plenary in Mandelieu
Add RNC to p:validate-with-relax-ng
XProc Agenda 31 July 2008
I think p:import-schema is too big and too late for V1
- Re: I think p:import-schema is too big and too late for V1
- RE: I think p:import-schema is too big and too late for V1
- Re: I think p:import-schema is too big and too late for V1
Review of section 2.6
Notes from non-meeting of 24 July
omit-xml-declaration 'true' by default in p:escape-markup
XProc Agenda 24 July 2008
$p:index vs position()
c:param name="x:foo" namespace="someURI"?
p:namespaces proposals
4.4.1 p:xpath-context
4.8 Extensions steps
2.5 Environement
paragraph missing about the use of RFC2119
2.7.7 Other XPath Extension Functions
Function: string p:system-property(string property)
My action on dynamic error codes
18 July editor's draft includes new p:file
Re: typo in the spec
Re: exclude-inline-prefixes or ignore-inline-prefixes?
Attempt to implement p:import-schema
media types encoded as unicode in c:http-request response conversion
- Re: media types encoded as unicode in c:http-request response conversion