Re: media types encoded as unicode in c:http-request response conversion

/ "Alex Milowski" <> was heard to say:
| I think this sentence in
| "If the media type of the response is a text type with a charset parameter
| that is a Unicode character encoding, the content of the constructed c:body
| element is the translation of the text into a Unicode character sequence"
| should read:
| "If the media type of the response is a text type with a charset parameter
| that is a Unicode character encoding or is recognized as a non-XML
| media type whose contents are encoded as a sequence of Unicode characters
| (e.g. it has a character parameter or the definition of the media type is such
| that it requires Unicode), the content of the constructed c:body element is the
| translation of the text into a Unicode character sequence."

I'm fine with that (in fact, I made the change :-), but can you
clarify what "a charset parameter that is a Unicode character
encoding" means?

Do you mean something that conforms to the Unicode Character Encoding
Model, ?

If so, shouldn't that be referenced explicitly?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Before doing someone a favour, make            | sure that he isn't a madman.--Eugéne
                              | Labiche

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 13:03:07 UTC