XProc Minutes 31 July 2008

See http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/31-minutes


                                   - DRAFT -

                            XML Processing Model WG

Meeting 120, 31 Jul 2008



           Norm, Andrew, Mohamed, Vojtech, Alex





     * Topics
         1. Accept this agenda?
         2. Accept minutes from the previous meeting?
         3. Summer vacation plans
         4. Next meeting 7 Aug 2008
         5. Review of latest editor's draft
         6. p:import-schema
         7. $p:index vs. position()
         8. p:param name="x:foo" namespace="http://..."/>
         9. Any other business?
     * Summary of Action Items


  Accept this agenda?

   -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/31-agenda


  Accept minutes from the previous meeting?

   -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/17-minutes


  Summer vacation plans

   Norm: Skip it, we'll take it to email

  Next meeting 7 Aug 2008

   Alex gives regrets

  Review of latest editor's draft

   Norm: Any comments on my draft of two weeks ago?

   Mohamed: I made some small comments that don't seem to be addressed.

   Norm: I thought I did them all, but I'll investigate.

   Alex: I'm looking at p:file
   ... p:file is an awful name

   Norm: Yeah. Ok, what's better?

   Alex: I think p:resource is better

   Norm: Ok.

   Alex: If you point to a resource and it returns an XML media type.
   ... Does it get escaped?

   Norm: Yes, it does. But maybe that should be made more clear.

   Mohamed: How about p:unparsed-text?

   Alex: But binaries do get parsed

   Mohamed: How about p:data?

   Norm: Anyone who can't live with data?
   ... Ok, let's float that one for the next draft and see what happens.

   Mohamed: You didn't put the content-type attribute in the examples

   Norm: Oops.

   Alex: We also need to change the name of the wrapper.
   ... If we return a default, then it's content-type without a namespace. If
   it's in your namespace then we can put content-type in the c: namespace

   Norm: I'm happy with that.

   <scribe> ACTION: Norm to change p:/c:file to p:/c:data and make the
   content-type attribute appear in the c: namespace if a non-c:* wrapper is


   Norm: Let's not.

   Alex: Not in V1 works for me.

   Mohamed: Me too.

   Vojtech: I agree.

   Norm: I propose to take it out of the next draft.

   Alex: What are we losing?

   Norm: You won't be able to write XPath expressions in your pipeline that
   refer to schema datatypes other than the builtin/predefined ones.
   ... You won't be able to refer to "x:hatsize".

   Alex: I don't think it will hurt us to wait until V.next
   ... If we do it now, we could paint ourselves into a corner.

   <scribe> ACTION: Norm to remove p:schema-import.

  $p:index vs. position()

   Norm expresses his misgivings.

   Alex: Nope, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect implementors to be
   able to change the dynamic context.

   Norm: Ok, I'm content.

   Alex: But shouldn't they be consistent?

   Mohamed: I think for label-elements we used $p:index instead of position()
   because we didn't need last() at all.
   ... For split-sequence, we do need last sometimes.

   Norm: Right, so we'd need $p:last.

   Mohamed: I think the way it is is consistent.

   Norm: I don't hear any motivation to make this change.

   <scribe> ACTION: Norm to clarify that position() and last() are expected
   to work in p:split-sequence

  p:param name="x:foo" namespace="http://...[5]"/>

   Norm: I think the current situation is a bit odd, shouldn't we make it an
   error to specify both a prefix and a namespace?

   Alex: yes

   Mohamed: Can we give an exception if the namespace binding for the prefix
   is the same as the URI?

   Norm: I'm ok with that.

   Mohamed: I thought the point of using a prefix and a URI was to *request*
   that binding.

   Scribe struggles to keep track of the thread

   Vojtech: If you're reading parameters from a file, then you might use
   QNames, but if you're generating them then you can use the namespace
   attribute and use NCNames in names.

   Mohamed: The attribute namespace appears only on c:param.

   Norm: Right. So this is only about c:param.

   Mohamed: So I thought that this was for establishing that binding.

   Norm: I don't think the prefix is *ever* relevant on parameter names,
   they're only used by the implementation.

   Alex: The bug is the namespace consistency problem; the answer is just to
   say they have to match.

   Norm: We're running out of time, is anyone uncomfortable with adopting at
   least a temporary resolution that says they have to be consistent.


   Mohamed: Could Vojtech provide an example where it's troubling to not use

   Vojtech: If you want to generate a c:param in XProc, then you'd have to be
   able to create an xmlns: declaration.

   Mohamed: Could you send it in email?

   Vojtech: Sure.

  Any other business?

   Face to face?

   Norm: We're planning to meet at the technical plenary
   ... Who's going?

   Mohamed: I'm going.

   Alex: I'll try to.

   Norm: I'm going.
   ... With luck, we'll be able to go to Last Call next week.

   <scribe> ACTION: Norm to send mail to the WG about the plenary (including
   dates of our meeting)

   No other business heard

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Norm to change p:/c:file to p:/c:data and make the
   content-type attribute appear in the c: namespace if a non-c:* wrapper is
   [NEW] ACTION: Norm to clarify that position() and last() are expected to
   work in p:split-sequence
   [NEW] ACTION: Norm to remove p:schema-import.
   [NEW] ACTION: Norm to send mail to the WG about the plenary (including
   dates of our meeting)
   [End of minutes]


   [1] http://www.w3.org/
   [2] http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/07/31-agenda
   [5] http://...
   [6] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
   [7] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl[6] version 1.133 (CVS
    $Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 $

Received on Thursday, 31 July 2008 16:07:07 UTC