**FIXED** Re: Test Wiki Shows Up In Google Search Results
admin privs needed
Array/concat sec-15.4 Coord Eliot-MSFT Reserve task
blog post draft
- Jen Simmons (Wednesday, 9 April)
- Doug May (Wednesday, 9 April)
- Renoir Boulanger (Wednesday, 9 April)
- Jen Simmons (Tuesday, 8 April)
- Eliot Graff (Tuesday, 8 April)
- Jen Simmons (Tuesday, 8 April)
- Doug Schepers (Tuesday, 8 April)
- Renoir Boulanger (Monday, 7 April)
- Jen Simmons (Monday, 7 April)
- PhistucK (Monday, 7 April)
- Jen Simmons (Monday, 7 April)
Can't make any meeting tomorrow, but...
Community Telcon Agenda, 15 April 2014
Community Telcon Agenda, 22 April 2014
Community Telcon Agenda, 28 April 2014
CSS Media Queries -- Request for feedback on proposed schema
Doc Sprint non-attendance feedback
Filling in MSE APIs
Fwd: Organizing information for new contributors
Generated related pages too generic
IRC Hours?
Meeting notes
Meeting notes from yesterday's meeting
Meeting notes, 29 April, 2014
Meeting notes: General Meeting, 1 April 2014
new Contribute page URL for nav
new plan to replace flags with Readiness Markers
Notes.webplatform.org error frozenice found
Organizing information for new contributors
removing the purple box
Results of the post-docsprint survey
rise in site visits last week — why?
Server was slow this morning, server upgrade project?
SVG Docs strategy
Switching jobs and Doc Sprint Belgium
task forces and committee meetings
Telcon Agenda, 1 April 2014
Telcon Cancelled (was: Can't make any meeting tomorrow, but...)
Test Wiki Shows Up In Google Search Results
Updated navigation
Upgraded blog WordPress version, and what we published GitHub
visitor's path to filing bugs
WPD access issues
Last message date: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 20:07:59 UTC