Re: Doc Sprint non-attendance feedback

Here are a few tweaks, if it's not too late.

>   *2. Were you able to attend any pre-Fluent2014 conference events?*
>  I was unable to attend any pre-conference events.
>  I attended another pre-conference event.
>  I was there but never stopped by the Doc Sprint.
>  I stopped by the Doc Sprint but didn't stay.
>  Other (please specify)

Answer options 2 & 3 are kind of the same. If I went to another event (like
a workshop) and did not stop by the Doc sprint, I wouldn't really be sure
which one to check.

>  *3. What kept you from attending this event?*
>  Schedule changed
>  Jet lag
>  Had to work
>  Social engagement
>  Had to network
>  Other (please specify)

Should the question be, "If you did not attend the Doc Sprint, what kept
you...". Or is this survey only going out to the people who did not attend?
OR does it morph, and only ask these questions to people who answered "no"
to question 1? If so, then never mind. If not, then likely question 2
should be adjusted a bit too, to account for those people who did attend.

Thanks for doing this!!

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 15:43:05 UTC