Array/concat sec-15.4 Coord Eliot-MSFT Reserve task

Dear Mr Eliot,

My name is Theofanis Despoudis(aka Theo), and I am writing to you of my interest to contribute to the 
Array/concat section of the Javascript wiki

I've recently joined the site to join the effort of building a quality reference resource for the promotion of the web standards. I have a background in CS with a degree in Informatics,a certified Java Programmer & mySQL developer and in the past I've been involved in IT voluteering  for several charities,institutions like,indivudials and open source projects. 

I've read the getting involved and the basic facts task guide and I'm confident that I'll deliver the required content within the time constraints.

Every best for this 

Kind Regards

Theo Despoudis


Received on Saturday, 19 April 2014 09:50:29 UTC