from August 2013 by subject

[Bug 11328] Canvas authors needs to be able to assess pixel resolution to rescale canvas elements

[Bug 11329] Browsers must generate resize event during a zoom.

[Bug 13711] Alternative style sheet handling undefined

[Bug 14203] JavaScript API to access unsupported CSS properties

[Bug 14207] ElementCSSInlineStyle needs binding to Element

[Bug 14216] getComputedStyle and null

[Bug 14217] Use DOMString instead of DOMString? for setProperty

[Bug 14949] [Meta]: Component Model needs an Explainer document

[Bug 14968] [Meta]: Specify how custom elements work

[Bug 14978] [Meta]: Specify how shadow DOM works

[Bug 15157] [Explainer]: Add an example testing an element for the right prototype

[Bug 15181] Override of non-recognised media type appears unsupported in xml-stylesheet processing

[Bug 15476] [Templates]: Specify how templates work

[Bug 16537] Interface types - Implements is ambiguous

[Bug 16833] consider always exposing a "length" property for objects with indexed properties

[Bug 17508] Let enum lists end with a comma

[Bug 17713] Exceptions thrown from event handlers should not be propagated

[Bug 18341] Needs some guidelines for computing key and char values of KeyboardEvent when some modifier key is pressed and not causes text input

[Bug 18352] Note about Object.prototype.toString is unclear

[Bug 18362] Make stringifiers not take into account expandos

[Bug 18435] [Shadow]: Needs consistent way to style the inner element of replaced elements.

[Bug 18461] Modifier key value for scroll lock is unclear

[Bug 18511] [Custom]: Things to Consider in the Future

[Bug 18850] necessary compositionupdate event isn't written in the examples in 6.2.4

[Bug 18851] necessary compositionupdate event isn't written in the examples in 6.2.3

[Bug 18867] Web developers cannot know whether a key event will cause text input actually

[Bug 18931] D3E should define when compositionupdate event is fired

[Bug 19778] Wrong regex for integer

[Bug 19804] relatedTarget on blur/focus should match focusout/focusin

[Bug 19827] map event.key to character values of a normal QUERTY (en-US) layout

[Bug 19870] [Imports]: Ensure import resources are loaded relative to location of import definition

[Bug 20038] Upgrade FormData

[Bug 20257] IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value

[Bug 20419] missing "then"?

[Bug 20422] 4.2.21: "then then"

[Bug 20439] 4.4.6: <span class="desc">

[Bug 20440] "of it type list"

[Bug 20441] algorithms not marked as such

[Bug 20442] 4.2.24: <ul> should be <ol>

[Bug 20443] 4.4.6: "is not of the enumeration’s values"

[Bug 20444] 4.*: "descriptor { ... }"

[Bug 20452] 4.2.16: extraneous "the"

[Bug 20453] 3.1: two questions re underscore removal

[Bug 20475] Grammar allows "- Infinity", but not "- 1"

[Bug 20478] Grammar allows "static;" as a valid operation

[Bug 20481] Grammar Fixes needed: Dominique's feedback + Microsoft's feedback

[Bug 20488] [Custom]: Need to define what happens when nodes are adopted into or out of documents that have custom element definitions

[Bug 20527] Comment about NamedPropertiesObject is incorrect

[Bug 20528] Definition of [[Prototype]] for the interface prototype object is confusing

[Bug 20561] Objects supporting indexed properties

[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?

[Bug 20653] need a way for Web Components to cause new interface objects to exist dynamically

[Bug 20683] [Imports]: Write HTML Imports spec

[Bug 20777] Getting a property from the global scope polluter ends up in an infinite loop

[Bug 20887] Add a File constructor

[Bug 20957] [Shadow]: Styling elements in shadow trees based on host element

[Bug 20976] There is a mismatch here with the DOM concept of a node's base URL. Not sure what the right way to address it would be.

[Bug 21067] [Shadow]: Provide an api to insertionParent

[Bug 21083] Proposal key names for Android

[Bug 21113] Should KeyboardEvent.char really be set control characters? E.g., Cancel, Esc, Backspace and Del

[Bug 21118] Define power management related keys like 'Power'

[Bug 21135] Define 'Symbol' modifier

[Bug 21139] Define key name for Hankaku-Zenkaku key and Katakana-Hiragana key

[Bug 21202] [Shadow]: Specify how :host() interacts with the scoped styles

[Bug 21270] Introduce syntax for getters that keep returning the same object

[Bug 21271] Node.childNodes and Element.attributes need to return the same object each time

[Bug 21295] overload resolution: are DOMString and sequence<T> distinguishable now?

[Bug 21585] Calling abort() when readyState != LOADING, Gecko throws an exception

[Bug 21589] SelectionMode enum should not have a trailing comma

[Bug 21640] Dictionaries and callbacks should be distinguishable

[Bug 21669] Callable interface objects should be instance of Function

[Bug 21670] Clarify that typeof InterfaceObject should be "function"

[Bug 21740] Guidance on DOMError and futures

[Bug 21853] Allow subclasses of futures to decide what then/catch create

[Bug 21929] named properties object should disallow definition of non-configurable properties

[Bug 21976] [imports]: Preventing DOM hierarchy cycles

[Bug 22006] need to define that the .length of a stringifier's Function object is 0

[Bug 22013] property enumeration section should mention named property visibility

[Bug 22014] newly created exception objects should have the exception prototype interface object as their [[Prototype]]

[Bug 22018] Consider adding getCompositionAlternatives() in InputMethodContext

[Bug 22028] Consider adding hasComposition() in InputMethodContext

[Bug 22059] Composition dictionary should be changed

[Bug 22069] Names for media keys should be organized

[Bug 22070] Add input/beforeinput events to D3E [was "Revive textInput"]

[Bug 22071] Remove 'char' from KeyboardEvent in DOM3

[Bug 22082] Review and cleanup examples in D3E spec

[Bug 22083] Break D3E Key Value table into smaller chunks of related keys

[Bug 22093] Consider adding candidatewindowshow/update/hide events and getCandidateWindowClientRect()

[Bug 22126] [Custom]: Should <element> support declaring SVG elements?

[Bug 22141] [Shadow]: Need mechanism to tell if an element in a ShadowRoot has been inserted into the Document

[Bug 22156] Allow trailing commas in Web IDL lists

[Bug 22312] Typo?

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22343] [DOM]: Need a function to retrieve a constructor (or prototype) by localName

[Bug 22346] Security: When invoking a method, getter, or setter on an object using the property descriptor of another, we need to do a security check

[Bug 22390] [Shadow]: Support ':host()' pseudo class.

[Bug 22391] Sequence or Array

[Bug 22392] maybe define .name for Function objects corresponding to operations/attributes

[Bug 22400] [Templates]: Form-associated elements inside templates should not be associated with forms by the parser

[Bug 22413] [imports]: Imported documents should execute script

[Bug 22459] [Custom]: Consider explicitly emptying callback queue in more cases

[Bug 22461] [Shadow]: Change custom pseudo elements to match via ::part(<part name>)

[Bug 22466] [Custom]: Certain documents should not share registration contexts

[Bug 22469] [Custom]: Declaration processing algorithm is not invoked anywhere.

[Bug 22485] [Custom]: registration context is defined oddly since Window of a document may change

[Bug 22496] "A host-including inclusive ancestor is either a..."

[Bug 22506] Named properties object should probably not be a function object

[Bug 22507] Need to define behaviour for setting properties on named properties objects

[Bug 22509] Some way to express array as readonly and fixed length

[Bug 22539] [Shadow]: Add support for external stylesheets using link rel="stylesheet"

[Bug 22564] [Custom]: Rename readyCallback to createdCallback

[Bug 22565] [Custom]: rename inserted/removedCallback to entered/leftDocumentCallback

[Bug 22566] [Custom]: Element upgrade algorithm set prototype right before createdCallback is called

[Bug 22600] Need a way to make navigator.plugins supported named properties not enumerable

[Bug 22602] Anchor for 6.4.1. The slice method is broken

[Bug 22625] "If x < 253 or x > 253, then throw a TypeError."

[Bug 22626] File API needs to add Blob URL store and revocation list for use with URL parsing

[Bug 22646] So if we want to say on a per-object basis whether it ought to be exposed to workers (which I think is useful) lets introduce "exposed to document environments", "exposed to worker environments", and [...]

[Bug 22665] Wrong example for [TreatNonCallableAsNull]

[Bug 22715] [Shadow]: [Meta] New features and improvements

[Bug 22745] [Explainer]: Use case for registering a type extension of an unknown element

[Bug 22750] What's the good key name for "Eisu" (英数) key of JIS keyboard for Mac?

[Bug 22759] It is not clear what happens to the existing transient observers when MutationObserver.observe is called

[Bug 22806] Why special case Date and RegExp in #es-sequence

[Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new

[Bug 22824] Remove Date from WebIDL

[Bug 22826] [Shadow]: Clarify how getComputedStyle with unprojected elements works

[Bug 22827] [Custom]: Confusing condition on documents and registration contexts in constructor invocation

[Bug 22833] [Custom]: Declarative syntax does not account for out-of-order declarations

[Bug 22834] DOM_KEY_LOCATION_MOBILE and _JOYSTICK are no longer needed

[Bug 22840] JSON response and user defined JSON.parse

[Bug 22842] Should keyboard events fire during a composition session?

[Bug 22845] Consider moving the overload resolution algorithm into its own section

[Bug 22856] Defaults for the IDBKeyRange static functions arguments should be defined in IDL

[Bug 22856] New: Defaults for the IDBKeyRange static functions arguments should be defined in IDL

[Bug 22858] New: use @hasInstance instance of [[HasInstance]]

[Bug 22859] New: use built-in ToUint8 etc. abstract operations

[Bug 22864] New: [imports]: Consider loading imported stylesheets into main document

[Bug 22866] New: remove Object.prototype.toString override and use ES6 @@toStringTag instead

[Bug 22870] 4.2.*: "the value of dictionary member"

[Bug 22870] New: 4.2.*: "the value of dictionary member"

[Bug 22871] 4.6.4: "does not to implement"

[Bug 22871] New: 4.6.4: "does not to implement"

[Bug 22872] 4.8: bad link for "single operation callback interface"

[Bug 22872] New: 4.8: bad link for "single operation callback interface"

[Bug 22874] #es-stringifier algorithm shouldn't use ToString(V)

[Bug 22874] New: #es-stringifier algorithm shouldn't use ToString(V)

[Bug 22882] "an arguments"

[Bug 22882] New: "an arguments"

[Bug 22883] New: "the argument at index i"

[Bug 22886] 3.2.6: italicized "i-1"

[Bug 22886] New: 3.2.6: italicized "i-1"

[Bug 22887] 4.7.4: "listed in description"

[Bug 22887] New: 4.7.4: "listed in description"

[Bug 22888] New: 4.2.{14,15}: "has the same numeric value"

[Bug 22892] [Shadow]: What (if anything) does <style scoped> do, when it is a child of a shadow host?

[Bug 22892] New: [Shadow]: What (if anything) does <style scoped> do, when it is a child of a shadow host?

[Bug 22896] New: [Custom]: Create a diagram showing how all algorithms and interactions with other bits of platform fit together

[Bug 22897] New: What state needs to be cloned when a Document is cloned?

[Bug 22897] What state needs to be cloned when a Document is cloned?

[Bug 22898] [Shadow]: Consider defining inertness in terms of the composed tree

[Bug 22898] New: [Shadow]: Consider defining inertness in terms of the composed tree

[Bug 22899] [Custom]: Consider changing the order of custom element upgrade

[Bug 22899] New: [Custom]: Consider changing the order of custom element upgrade

[Bug 22900] New: [Shadow]: clarify scoping node of styles in shadow trees

[Bug 22912] New: fix [[Delete]] due to how it's changed in ES6

[Bug 22920] [Custom]: Custom element constructors should have class side inheritance

[Bug 22920] New: [Custom]: Custom element constructors should have class side inheritance

[Bug 22927] Description of "source" attribute refers to "This function"

[Bug 22927] New: Description of "source" attribute refers to "This function"

[Bug 22928] [Custom]: Callbacks timing and HTML Imports

[Bug 22928] New: [Custom]: Callbacks timing and HTML Imports

[Bug 22941] [Custom]: Revisit declarative custom element syntax

[Bug 22941] New: [Custom]: Revisit declarative custom element syntax

[Bug 22947] New: Operation functions should not have a prototype property

[Bug 22947] Operation functions should not have a prototype property

[Bug 22949] New: [imports]: Consider events inside imported documents.

[Bug 22952] New: [imports]: The import isn't related "downloading resources" in HTML.

[Bug 22954] [imports]: Context-less documents shouldn't load the imports.

[Bug 22954] New: [imports]: Context-less documents shouldn't load the imports.

[Bug 22959] New: Nullable parameter in tail position should be optional

[Bug 22959] Nullable parameter in tail position should be optional

[Bug 22960] Document, XMLDocument, HTMLDocument, oh my

[Bug 22960] New: Document, XMLDocument, HTMLDocument, oh my

[Bug 22966] [Custom]: Don't invoke callbacks while the createdCallback is running

[Bug 22966] New: [Custom]: Don't invoke callbacks while the createdCallback is running

[Bug 22980] [Shadow]: shadowRoot styles should not match the host element

[Bug 22980] New: [Shadow]: shadowRoot styles should not match the host element

[Bug 22982] New: Synchronous flag and stack consumption of DOM/Promises

[Bug 22983] Define baseURI properly

[Bug 22983] New: Define baseURI properly

[Bug 22990] [Custom]: Custom Elements interface should implement the Element interface, not necessarily inherit from it

[Bug 22990] New: [Custom]: Custom Elements interface should implement the Element interface, not necessarily inherit from it

[Bug 22991] [Custom]: Elaborate enqueuing a lifecycle callback

[Bug 22991] New: [Custom]: Elaborate enqueuing a lifecycle callback

[Bug 22997] Better to have a clear statement: firing error or not, if Event streams doesn't encode as UTF-8 format.

[Bug 22997] New: Better to have a clear statement if Event streams doesn't encode as UTF-8 format.

[Bug 22998] New: There is no close function on Blob object in latest chrome browser.

[Bug 22998] There is no close function on Blob object in latest chrome browser.

[Bug 23004] Drop "toNativeLineEndings" from example

[Bug 23004] New: Drop "toNativeLineEndings" from example

[Bug 23018] [Custom]: Consider creating registries for HTML documents created through DOMImplementation in some cases

[Bug 23018] New: [Custom]: Consider creating registries for HTML documents created through DOMImplementation in some cases

[Bug 23033] New: Requesting PermissionDeniedError to be added

[Bug 23033] Requesting PermissionDeniedError to be added

[Bug 23034] New: Requesting ConstraintNotSatisfiedError to be added

[Bug 23034] Requesting ConstraintNotSatisfiedError to be added

[Bug 23042] New: [imports]: There should be a way to retrieve the document of executing script.

[Bug 23045] [Shadow]: ::part should override styles declared in a shadow tree

[Bug 23045] New: [Shadow]: ::part should override styles declared in a shadow tree

[Bug 23052] New: [Shadow]: HTMLShadowElement should also have getDistributedNodes()

[Bug 23056] Function's length property is inconsistent with EcmaScript

[Bug 23056] New: Function's length property is inconsistent with EcmaScript

[Bug 23061] [Shadow]: Should be able to override ::content styles in shadow root style sheet from the document

[Bug 23061] New: [Shadow]: Should be able to override ::content styles in shadow root style sheet from the document

[Bug 23062] [Shadow]: [Meta] Style related issues

[Bug 23062] New: [Shadow]: [Meta] Style related issues

[Bug 23069] [Custom]: Elements in HTML Imports should upgrade as if imports blocked parsing

[Bug 23069] New: [Custom]: Elements in HTML Imports should upgrade as if imports blocked parsing

[Bug 23070] New: [Explainer]: Remove custom element declarative syntax from the explainer.

[Bug 23071] New: [Explainer]: Update explainer to use :host and ::content

[Bug 23072] New: Interaction with DeviceOrientation/Motion

[Bug 23074] New: " If a “forEach” operation is defined, then Call..."

[Bug 23076] New: Change "float" in examples to "double"

[Bug 23077] New: "a value (matching DefaultValue)"

[Bug 23087] New: Undefined variable use in the overload resolution algorithm

[Bug 23095] "Call listener's callback's handleEvent, with th..."

[Bug 23095] New: "Call listener's callback's handleEvent, with th..."

[Bug 23102] New: Reset response entity bodies

[Bug 23106] New: Spec should treat content type as an opaque string

[Bug 23108] [Custom]: Typo, the SVG and the MathML missing object?

[Bug 23108] New: [Custom]: Typo, the SVG and the MathML missing object?

[Bug 23109] [Custom]: Typo: "attempts of"

[Bug 23109] New: [Custom]: Typo: "attempts of"

Last message date: Friday, 30 August 2013 22:58:04 UTC