[Bug 20257] IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value


--- Comment #3 from Kyaw Tun <kyawtun@yathit.com> ---
curent position ("a", 2)

cursor.continue() => { key: "a", primaryKey: 3 }
cursor.continue("a") => exception (key is less than or equal to current key)
cursor.continue("b") => { key: "b", primaryKey: 1 }
cursor.continue("c") => null
cursor.continue("a", 3) => ("a", 3)
cursor.continue("a", 4) => ("b", 1)
cursor.continue("b", 1) => ("b", 1)
cursor.continue("b", 4) => ("b", 4)
cursor.continue("b", 5) => null
cursor.continue("c", 1) => null
cursor.continue(null, 1) => exception, invalid cursor position
cursor.continue(null, 2) => exception
cursor.continue(null, 3) => exception
cursor.continue(null, 4) => exception
cursor.continue(null, 5) => exception

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Received on Monday, 26 August 2013 22:59:21 UTC