07 March Team B call
1.3.1 - go with john's suggestion
14 March Team B meeting
2.4.5 Failure
Action item: Proposed wording for SC 1.3.1 (long)
Client- and server-side script techniques for title attribute on links
Failure due to using a non-text mark alone...
HTML techniques for 2.4.3
If you follow it - i dont need to approve
JIS comments and Pronunciation issue
New (proposed) SC 3.1.6 A mechanism is available for finding specific pronunciation of words where meaning cannot be determined without pronunciation
new 1.3.1
New 1.3.1 Failures to Review
New Failure for SC 1.3.5
New technique for SC 1.3.5
No Team B meeting this week
Notes on Wiki Cleanup
partial regrets for March 7, 2006 meeting
Regrets (07 March Team B call)
Regrets for Team B meeting
Review of open issues
SC 1.3.5: proposed SC and How To Meet document
Surveys - to do b4 monday - dont leave open without specific recommendation.
Team B: Look ing ahead
Updated technique for SC 2.4.5
Updated: examples of titles for images, audio files, movies
WIKI cleanup: one more thing to look for
Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2006 20:32:02 UTC