Is SVG in HTML <img> still being treated as embedded document by WebKit/VoiceOver?
Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
RE: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- RE: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- Re: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
- RE: [SVG] graphics-doc role should be graphics-document (ARIA has avoided inconsistent abbreviation)
graphics module intro changed
Minutes: April 27, 2016 SVG Accessibility Task Force Meeting
svg-a11y-ACTION-2023: Make changes to the introduction regarding this release of the graphics module and future releases
svg-a11y-ACTION-2022: Update the svg aam and svg2 to use the new graphics roles
Agenda April 27, 2016 SVG Accessibility Task Force Meeting (updated)
Action 2044
Agenda April 27, 2016 SVG Accessibility Task Force Meeting
SVG mapped to graphic in HTML5.1 - bug
No quorum on April 20, next meeting is April 27, 2016
document status section
agenda April 20, 2016 SVG Accessibility Task Force
Regrets for tomorrow
No SVG Accessibility Task Force meeting on April 13, 2016 next meeting April 20
Minutes, 06 April 2016 SVG Accessibility Task Force Meeting
April 13 SVG accessibility meeting - will you be available?
svg-a11y-ACTION-2021: Work role=none/presentation into svg spec
svg-a11y-ACTION-2020: Follow up with wcag
svg-a11y-ACTION-2019: Coordinate with html-aam editors regarding correct mapping for <svg> element, in a way consistent with the new graphics role mappings
Agenda April 6 SVG accessibility task force meeting
Re: SVG accessibility new issues
- Re: SVG accessibility new issues
- name and description calculation - is there a mismatch between the document and what Apple implements?
- Re: name and description calculation - is there a mismatch between the document and what Apple implements?