A few comments on Primer (esp re Semantics)
agenda 29 Jan telecon
Comments on 17 December 2013 WD of RDF 1.1 Primer
editorial change suggestion in primer
Fwd: JSON-LD is W3C Recommendation
Fwd: Language Tag Case Conflict (between RDF1.1 and BCP47)
Fwd: RDF 1.1 is a W3C Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)
JSON-LD Telecon Minutes for 2014-01-07
Language Tag Case Conflict (between RDF1.1 and BCP47)
- Gregg Kellogg (Monday, 27 January)
- David Wood (Monday, 27 January)
- Andy Seaborne (Monday, 27 January)
- Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 27 January)
- Sandro Hawke (Sunday, 26 January)
- Andy Seaborne (Sunday, 26 January)
- Richard Cyganiak (Sunday, 26 January)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 24 January)
- Markus Lanthaler (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Andy Seaborne (Monday, 20 January)
- Markus Lanthaler (Monday, 20 January)
- Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 20 January)
N-Quads ref
No RDF-WG Meeting today
PR preparations
RDF 1.1 goes to PR
RDF 1.1 Test Cases
RDF/XML permanent location
RDF/XML Tests and new XMLLiteral tests
Reminder: Ask your AC Reps to Vote for RDF 1.1
Resolution needed: ISSUE-165: datatype map
telecon cancelled
telecons schedule: 12 Feb and 19 Feb
TestCases document updated and updates to RDF/XML test suite
Turtle ResPec version
Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2014 23:51:59 UTC