from March 2021 by thread

Minutes of the call on 2021-03-26 + no call next week Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 26 March)

Re: Request for feedback about RDF-star Gregg Kellogg (Friday, 26 March)

RDF-star Agenda for 2021-03-26 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Thursday, 25 March)

Minutes of the call on 2021-03-19 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 19 March)

Metadata for RDF Statements: The RDF-star Approach - lotico Gregg Kellogg (Thursday, 18 March)

RDF-star Agenda for 2021-03-19 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Thursday, 18 March)

[announcement] RDF-star test suite Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 12 March)

Minutes of the call on 2021-03-12 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 12 March)

Relationship between RDF-star and reification Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 12 March)

RDF-star Agenda for 2021-03-12 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Thursday, 11 March)

Text about triples in VALUES clauses ready Olaf Hartig (Friday, 5 March)

Adaptation of the semantics Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 5 March)

Minutes of the call on 2021-03-05 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 5 March)

Editorial PR about the seminal example Pierre-Antoine Champin (Friday, 5 March)

RDF-star Agenda for 2021-03-05 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Thursday, 4 March)

Text about SPARQL-star built-in functions ready Olaf Hartig (Tuesday, 2 March)

Last message date: Friday, 26 March 2021 17:08:37 UTC